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Everything posted by varvag
paidia exw psa3ei olo to destinator 2 kai 3 fores gia na dw pws 8a bgalw ayton ton enoxlhtiko hxo pou kanoun ta plhktra otan ta pataw kai den briskw tpt... mporei na boh8hsei kapoios?
kai ayth thn ekdosh pou mporoume na th broume??? genika olo to kolpo gia na leitourghsei to gps?
to bluezard leitourgei se WM6?
kalhspera paides... mia erwthsh 8elw na kanw... 3erei kaneis pws ginetai na alla3w destination folder sto bluetooth?dhladh t arxeia pou mou stelnoun na apo8hkeyontai sthn storage card kai oxi sth syskeyh.3erei kaneis pws ginetai ayto??? eyxaristw!!!
file mou egw exw vanilla 2 kai einai super! prin ap ayth eixa vanilla 1. genika einai poly lite, poly sta8erh rom kai poly grhgorh! an 8eleis cube bebaia prepei diale3eis anamesa stis diafores pshmenes kai den 8a sou proteina tou tom alla thn allh, ths pdaviet pali me idio build! einai pio sta8erh kai pio grhgorh... http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=333731&highlight=thormdac
geia xara se olous! paidia 8a h8ela kapoios pou exei dokimasei na diabasei pdf sto kinhto an mporei na mou pei poios einai o kalyteros pdf viewer... ti ennow?na fortwnei grhgora to pdf kai na strabwnomai oso to dynaton ligotero koitazontas thn o8onitsa tou kinhtou... eyxaristw!!!:D
paides exw ena problhmataki! ptravel alarm kai htc home deixnoun thn idia wra enw to roloi sth start bar einai ena lepto pisw... gia thn akribeia merika deyterolepta... 3erei kaneis pws 8a ta sygxronisw ola?a kai kati allo! 3erei kaneis pws 8a balw to start menu sto Hbutton?
thn vanilla 2.0 thn dokimases?gia dokimase thn kai pes mas... mporei n alla3eis gnwmh!!!!!:D
file mou kai gw to eixa ayto to problhma alla den tou edwsa shmasia kai etsi den mporw na se boh8hsw... toulaxiston den eisai o monos...
den einai ayto file mou alla eyxaristw gia thn prospa8eia!
paidia mporei kapoios pou exei thn b&b 4.2 na anebasei to default ringtone? ekana kapoia blakeia kai ta esbhsa ola... flamengo kati legotan... thanks!
re paidia eseis pou dokimasate thn B&B 4.2 brhkate kana bug?se sxesh me thn allh ths pdaviet ti lete?
den 3erw an den to kana swsta emena pantws to touch flo den doulepse!eixa mayrh o8onh mono...to htc home douleyei mia xara...
ok 8a to tsekarw!eyxaristw!
paidia cube kai to htc home plug in mporw na balw sta WM6?kai an nai 3erei kaneis pou mporw na brw ayta ta cab? eyxaristw poly...
tekna mou mhn 3exasete tis entypwseis... perimenw pws kai pws na er8ei kyriakh... tote eipe o tom oti 8a thn anebasei:D
padia help!exw thn rom ths pdaviet thn teleytaia kai alla3a ta soft keys me to soft key changer katala8os kai meta den mporousa na ta epanaferw... to esbhsa to soft key changer alla den epanhl8an...pws 8a ta epanaferw sto default?3erei kaneis?
eyxaristw poly paidia!kai kati teleytaio!8elw na alla3w ta eikonidia tou cube me kapoia pou katebasa kai pantou lene na ta kanw copy ston fakelo tou cube sta windows kai meta soft reset... to 8ema einai oti egw ayton ton fakelo "cube" den ton briskw... mporei na boh8hsei kapoios?:D
sygxwreste me mageires alla mporei na mou ppei kapoios poia einai h teleytaia kal kalhterh ekdosh battery status...?
thanks... kai gia des edw re mino http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=333443&page=8&highlight=preview+black%26amp%3Bblue+4.2 to post #79 na mou peis an ginetai...
kai h teleytaia ths pdaviet poia einai?ayth edw...http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=333731&highlight=thormdac ?
tou tom kata pote bgainei?emena paidia ta original den m aresoun ka8olou.... to mono pou m exei entypwsiasei einai to poso grhgora mporw na xrhsimopoihsw to fakelo twn windows... tpt allo! h vanilla htan kalyterh... kai twra eimai se dilhma. na 3anaperasw thn vanilla h na perimenw ayth tou tom?
exasa 600 eyrw sto stoixhma e3aitias tou gayrou:P
poio einai to link gia ta ellhnika ths ace? paidia den entypwsiazoun ka8olou!emena toulaxiston! memory leak sta termata... to mono kalo einai oti einai grhgora...