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About gio_rgos1234

  • Ημ. Γέννησης 23/01/1992

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. re paidia mpori na m pi kapoios ton register t smartmovie????????pls voi8iste me!!!!!!:( :(
  2. re esi fovero to age of empires!!!!!:) :) se euxaristo!!!\ ean vris kati kenourio gia to 6630 stile m to sto gio_rgos@hotmail.com
  3. gio_rgos@hotmail.com se efxaristo para poli file m!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D :D :D
  4. na ti m grafi........... Your account has not been confirmed and is not yet active! To become a registered user on this forum (required for posting or accessing special features) you will need to verify your email address by clicking a special link sent to you in our original welcome email. If you have lost this email, or it never arrived, please go here to request another activation email be sent to you. If you suspect your email address is set wrong, go here and fill the form out so an administrator can fix your account. Also please be sure to disable any spam filters you may have for our website, so that this and all future messages can reach you. E ma ego xanadokimasa na to stilo kai se allo email kai den kani tpt!!! ti na kano?????? http://www.pathfinder.gr
  5. re paidia girevo to paixnidi AGE OF EMPIRES (NOKIA 6630) !!!!! XERETE kapia istoselida p na to exi?????? euxaristo!!! http://age4greeks.gr/images/logo.png
  6. e ma prospa8o na gino melos....kai den mporo!!kati m grefi apo pano gia to email.......!!ma evala sosta to email!!!ti na kano???? http://ads.myphone.gr/adimage.php?filename=468x60_vissi_animated_gif.gif&contenttype=gif
  7. RE pedia girevo paixnidia t n-gage p mporo na vro kala pexnidia???:confused: http://www.myphone.gr/mp1/myphone7.gif
  8. e ne mpika sto i phone!!ekana register,,alla m lei oti prepi na er8i sto email m ena minima (original)kati etsi!! kai den m erxete kanena!! TI NA KANO???? :( :( http://www.n-gage.com/ngage2/pics/header_logo.gif
  9. re pedia girevo to paixnidi to ice age 2 FREE!!!XERETE KAMIA ASTOSELIDA P NA TO EXI?(6630) http://briefcase.pathfinder.gr/download/htrul18/20031/239346/0/tsigaro.gif GIA SOVARES SIZITISIS!! http://www.sovarepsu.com
  10. re pedia to we are the winners tis lithouanias to exete xanakusi pote?ego pantos oxi!!:worry: :worry: http://briefcase.pathfinder.gr/download/htrul18/20031/239346/0/tsigaro.gif
  11. re pedia emena m exi kolisi to tragudi tis fillandias!!to we are the winners!eina poli oreo!xerete kamia istoselida p na to exi (mp3)?:) :) :) http://briefcase.pathfinder.gr/download/htrul18/20031/239346/0/tsigaro.gif
  12. a sas euxaristo poli!!!!!an brite otidipote sxetika me auto stilte m stin hlektronili dienu8insi m (gio_rgos@hotmail.com)!!!sas euxaristo poli!
  13. ennoo an mboro na exo pano sto kinito m(6630) tleorasi?exe etsi proggrama?an exi to 8elo!pls!
  14. re pedia xerete kanene proggrama p na ine tileorasi!???????an mporite na m pite istoselida!pls?????
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