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About maruli

  • Ημ. Γέννησης 13/02/1986

maruli's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. "Όχι άλλη αναβολή Μιχάλη" της Μάρως Βαμβουνάκη... Δεν ξέρω γιατι και πως.. αυτό το βιβλίο ειναι από τα αγαπημένα μου.. Μυθιστορηματικη Βιογραφία στη μνήμη του Μιχάλη Πολατώφ... που όπως αποδεικνύεται ήταν στενός φίλος της Βαμβουνάκη...
  2. 8-9 hot me ebgale to testaki sou:) paneukolo kai suntomo... :shifty: Line of Heart Your Line of Heart is a curved line. You are creative and sensitive. Sometimes ruled by emotions, sometimes by imagination. Sometimes you let feelings get in the way of clear thinking, and often for the better. Shape of Fingertips The tips of your fingers are pointed. Sometimes your dreams get in the way, and sometimes they lift you above the fray. You value physical beauty and can be overly sensitive, but seldom waste too much time over thinking situations. Thumb Flexibility Based on the flexibility level of your thumb you have a good balance between brains and feelings. Don't think things to death, nor follow emotions over a cliff. Your mind can be changed, but the argument has to be convincing. Highest Mound Your highest mound is on the outside of your palm. An adventurer and explorer. A traveler, not a tourist. Sometimes following dreams instead of trails, but what the heck! Looking for a better place. A very passionate nature
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