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About renault_rs

  • Ημ. Γέννησης 21/05/1984

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. file Rossi twra pou poulas to moter gia pes ti xrwma einai auto sto mhxanakh?sto eixa ksanarwthsei an thumamai...san mple anoixto..thalassi mhpws... POlu gamato pantws... kalh h epilogh sou pou phres RX-8..egw omws tha eperna oti leei kai to nick!!!
  2. file Dynamic_125 dwse ligo mia dieukrinhsh pou thelw:to xl pou les einai periodiko??
  3. idia einai megale...an kai egw eixa akousei oti to kainourgio paei poio kala epeidh h eksatmish einai mia monokomath den exei tis bides pou exei to prwto...outws h allws file an pareis auto tha pareis to palio den bgainei.........
  4. symfwnw!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! peite tipota k mhn tsakwneste reeeee..............!! :cool:
  5. Hremaaaa reeeeeee!!!!!!!! fx_ovios ok re paixth mphka sto nohma,,euxaristw!!! File Rossi ti akribws theleis na kaneis,na baleis mhxanh apo Z panw sto dinamik?? tha allakseis thn mhxanh pou ebales apo wr200 sto diko sou,,h tha baleis mhxanh apo Z panw se allo dinamik? Opws leei o filos thunderabe me 5100 perneis autokinhto h kalutera me 30 xilarikakia kai kati akoma,, perneis to renault rs pou g@maei:):)
  6. geia xara alania! epeidh den katexw polu apo mhxanhka meroi,,otan peirazetai xiliosta sto mhxanakh ti akribws ginetai??
  7. file ROSSI pes ligo gia to xrwma pou ebapses to mhxanakh... ti xrwma einai?h mhpws einai mustika tou epaggelmatos auta..?? Kales boltes re alania me ta dinamik!!!
  8. h mal@kia file rossi einai oti theloune polu prosoxh giati an peseis se kamia lakouva paei h zanta..opws kai thn epatha kai ta ebgala meta...strabwse h zanta..k ksereis kiolas,,,an phgaineis apo xalikodromous gia na apofygeis tous zhtades :)....
  9. geia xara...!! file rossi eimai apo trikala! mhn balei kanenas 2aria lastixa sto modenas... xontrh m@l@ki@!
  10. file ROSSI erxomai drama na to parw bolta!!!!!!! gamato to ergaleio!!!!! SYgxarhthria gia thn douleia!!!!!!!! to xrwma ti einai perla??ekanes anamiksh xrwmatwn??!! polu gamato re paixth thelw na to bapsw kai egw..!! Mhn asxoleisai me kanenan file koita to oxhma!!!!!o kathenas leei oti thelei!
  11. geia sas paidia meta apo polu kairo..... ti lene ta dinamik????to diko mou an kai manato skotwnei.. file Icewind epeidh eisai geitonas sigoura tha mou peis thn gnwmh sou gia to an eksatmish apo ton vampir einai kalh h gia kapoio kalo karmpirater! sthn larisa pezei tipota kalo..?poso paei h eksatmish apo ton vampir sthn larisa?
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