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Everything posted by bleeding

  1. Mipws kserei kaneis kapoio site opou mporw na dw ellinika kanalia tileorasis meso live streaming?
  2. oxi mallon patisa to egkatastasi kai to pira prefa twra:/ kamia idea pws e3efanizetai auto to minima?:S:S
  3. bleeding

    Plz Help me

    exw ena lap top fujitsu siemens,i8ela na kanw format kai ebala to cd-rom product recovery windows xp home edition sp2 me skopo na kanw format..sbistikan ola ta programmata ektos apo tis eikones kai ta mp3..molis paw na kanw omws restart mou bgazei to exis minima: setup kai windows xp home kai mou leei na epilexw logismiko:S ti exw kanei la8os kai pws mporw na to bgalw auto? kamia idea?:( :( :wacko: :wacko:
  4. Τeleia mousiki me metriotatous stixous:PES PWS ME THELEIS PES PWS SOU LEIPW PES TO MOU NA XARW KAI STHS KARDIAS SOU MESA TON KHPO LOULOUDI THA'MAI EGW:D :D oi stixoi autoi omws apoteloun e3airesi;) Oson afora ta alla kommatia tis: Skotwse me-psiloa8lio to swzei to refren Maska-uperoxoi stixoi metria mousiki amanes-o giorgos kai i despoina dinoun resta:D polu piasariko kai anebastiko song idi exei ginei epitixia kai paizetai pantou:D :D i believe it-kommatara exei kukloforisei apo persi sto e3wteriko,twra ir8e kai stin ellada DESPOINA 4 EVER:D :p :D :p
  5. Did I hear you right 'cause I thought you said Let's think it over You have been my life And I never planned Growing old without you Shadows bleeding through the light Where the love once shined so bright Came without a reason Don't let go on us tonight Love's not always black and white Haven't I always loved you? But when I need you You're almost here And I know that's not enough And when I'm with you I'm close to tears 'cause your only almost here I would change the world If I had a chance Oh won't you let me Treat me like a child Throw your arms around me Oh please protect me Bruised and battered by your words Dazed and shattered now it hurts Haven't I always loved you But when I need you You're almost here And I know that's not enough And when I'm with you I'm close to tears 'cause your only almost here Bruised and battered by your words Dazed and shattered now it hurts Haven't I always loved you But when I need you You're almost here Well I never knew how far behind I'd left you And when I hold you you're almost here Well I'm sorry that I took our love for granted And now I'm with you I'm close to tears 'cause I know I'm almost here Only almost here ena apo ta agapimena mou...delta goodrem ft brian mcfadden...afierwmeno se kapoion pou a8ela mou ton pligwsa...(a.an pote diabaseis auto to minima soz gia ola pragmatika...isoun pragmatika almost here otan se eixa anagki:cry: :cry: :cry: ) MHPWS EXEI KANEIS TO CLIP H KSERETE POU NA TO BRW?to psaxnw apegnwsmena pantou kai dn exw kataferei na to brw:wacko: :(
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