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Dell is releasing a ROM flash by Nov. 24 where you may download the same from http://www.support.dell.com and that is suppose to resolve all these issues that you mentioned.
The above was from my session with Dell tech support
Original post by captpackrat
These appear to be the Big Five WM5-related problems. All appear to be software related, as they occur with both the X51 and the X50 upgraded to WM5, and were never present in the original X50 OS.
1. Leaving an SD or CF card in the unit drains the battery, even with it powered off. Leaving both cards in drains it twice as fast as one.
2. Leaving a CF card in the unit may cause it to disappear when the unit is powered on. Restoring the card requires a soft-reset.
3. Leaving an SD card in the unit may cause it not to turn on at all if the battery is below about 85%. Removing the card allows the unit to turn on normally.
4. Frequent error messages regarding GWES.EXE, a core Windows file that handles the graphic user interface. Disabling Error Reporting will prevent this annoying message, but the errors probably still occur.
5. Setting the unit in the cradle with it turned off may result in the so-called "White Screen of Death"; the screen turns on solid white and the unit becomes totally unresponsive. A soft-reset is required.