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Everything posted by turtas
pedia osoi agorasate to GTA to anava8misate stin v2.00 i vrikate allo tropo na to pe3ete ??? :worry:
Pedia emena mou ir8e to spiderman apo thn perasmeni deytera.pws kai den ir8e se sas :O
pedia katevasa to iso tou wipeout pure kai mesa exei dyo fakelous,o enas legete SYSDIR kai o allos legete USRDIR pou mesa exoun kati para3ena files.mporei kapoios na mou pei ti 8a kanw parakatw.pls :(
pesmou pou na katevasw ayto to programataki.vare8ika na vlepw ayta ta corrupted data.pls :( :cry:
pesmou pou na katevasw ayto to programataki.vare8ika na vlepw ayta ta corrupted data.pls :(
Pedia mporei na mou pei kapoios kamia kali istoselida me ISO s???.giati egw epsaksa sto google kai itan ola malakies ;) pls
mporeis na mou peis ena site giati egw den 3erw? :(
to ISO pou 8a to vrw?afou den iparxei tetoio file sto rar. ;)
pedia exo ena sovaro provlima :( katevazo to ripkit tou burnout legends apo to psp-hacks.com to opoio eine mono 50kb.anoigo ton fakelo kai vlepw kati para3ena files kai kolaw ekei.mporei na mou pei kapoios ti prepei na kanw stin synexia gia na to tre3w sto umd loader??? an den borite na kanete tipota parakalw peste mou kamia istoselida pou na vriskw etoima ISOS kai na ta trexw.pls :worry: :worry: :worry: :worry: --------------------
pedia exo ena sovaro provlima :worry: katevazo to ripkit tou burnout legends apo to psp-hacks.com to opoio eine mono 50kb.anoigo ton fakelo kai vlepw kati para3ena files kai kolaw ekei.mporei na mou pei kapoios ti prepei na kanw stin synexia gia na to tre3w sto umd loader??? :rolleyes: an den borite na kanete tipota parakalw peste mou kamia istoselida pou na vriskw etoima ISOS kai na ta trexw.pls :)
pedia 3erei kapoios pou vrisko ayta ta ISO? :worry:
Tuesday, September 27, 2005 Working PSP Firmware 2.0 to 1.50 Downgrader!!! Welcome to 1.50, PSP firmware 2.0 users! MPH has created a WORKING downgrader from PSP firmware 2.0 to firmware 1.50. This takes advantage of the toc2rta exploit and allows for the full downgrade of firmware 2.0 to firmware 1.50. I have tried this myself and have successfully downgraded from firmware 2.0 to firmware 1.50. Although this has been tried and found working, this does not mean there is no risk involved so use at your own risk. Steps to use the MPH downgrader: - Create an UPDATE folder in the /PSP/GAME/ folder of your memory stick - Copy EBOOT.PBP (update 1.50) in /PSP/GAME/UPDATE folder - Unpack MPHDowngrader.zip - Copy overflow.tif in your PSP/PHOTO/ folder of your memory stick (make sure you have changed your background to frame_buffer.png as explained in the toc2rta exploit.) - Copy h.bin in root of your memory stick - Copy index.dat in root of your memory stick - Plug the AC adaptor What you do next is go into the Photo Menu on the PSP and it will show some jumbled text, which is normal. Wait about 30 seconds and then restart your PSP. From there you will now have a new file in your PSP’s root directory called ms0:/index.dat.bak. In the next step you will go to you Game Menu, Then Memory Stick, and then Launch “PSP Update ver 1.50.” It will then ask you to downgrade and lead you along to installing. Here is where I got scared. It installed to 99% then errored. This is OK. Restart your PSP and reboot it. It will come up with another error which is OK as well. Restart it again and you will have PSP firmware version 1.50. Enjoy, and welcome to the world of legal homebrew, not piracy. You can get the MPH Downgrader in our PSP Download section [here]. Or [here]. You can get the 1.50 Update Eboot in our PSP Download section [here]. You can discuss it in our forums [here]. mpite sto http://www.pspupdates.com Egw to dokimasa kai ektelestike me epitixia :lol: :lol: EPITELOUS OlA TELIWSAN :D egw tov ekana sto amerikaniko psp mou.As to dokimasei kapoios sto europaiko na mas pei an petixe,,, :O
eise sigouros gia ayto 100%??Gia na mhn kanoume kanana la8os :)
pedia o aderfos mou exei to psp apo thn 1/9 se v1.52 kai perimenei na vgei to downgrade.Twra omws den ante3e kai 8elei na to kanei update stin 2.00 gia na vazei to diko tou background kai na mbenei sto internet.Ti lete? na tou pw na perimenei akoma ligo kairo mbas kai vgei to downgrade[{epidi mporei na eina mono gia tis 1.5x versions ;) ]} i na to kanei upadate na telionoume???perimenw :) :rolleyes: ;)
pedia mia erwtish: O filos mou exei JP psp me thn version 1.51.Vgike kanena hack gia ayti thn version(toulaxiston kanena loader h emulator :rolleyes: ), h einai opws thn 1.52 kai thn 2.00 pou den mporei na tre3ei tipota??? :worry:
oxi den 8a plirwseis tipota.apla 8a kaneis register sto http://www.yourpsp.com .8a prepei na valeis ola ta stoixia sou,akoma kai tou psp(montello 1003k/1004k kai ton serial namber>katw apw tin bataria).8a sto stiloun se peripou 1 mina :)
mporeis na to pareis entelws dorean kai na sto feroun sto spiti an exeis europaiko psp.exeis??
To GTA:liberty city 8a vgei stis 25/10/2005.to MGS:acid den nomizw na sou aresei.an 8a agoraseis pexnidi agorase kapoio allo se paromio eidos.px coded arms,poly kalo :)
Otan eides to video den sou fanike para3eno pou sto telos edixne thn frasi <FAKE VIDEO>??? :worry:
mpes sto http://www.gamespot.com/psp/allgames.html .exei ola ta pexnidia pou vgikan kai pou 8a vgoun.me screenshots kai videos :)
Pedia mporei na mou pei kapoios pou 3erei, poies eine oi kaliteres ri8miseis gia to pspvideo9 gia na exw kaliterh poiotita sta videos pou metatrepw???? :rolleyes: :)
file <ergothes> to katevasa to programma alla thn trial version kai den mporo na metatreψw oli thn tenia pou 8elw se mp4 gia na pezei sto psp.mono 10 lepta mporw na kanw convert.Esy to agorases??? :rolleyes:
mporeis na mou doseis ena link gia na to katevasw ki egw?? :) pls
pedia mporei na mou pei kapoios pws ftiaxnw thn ypografi mou kai xwris na thn 3anagraψw?? :rolleyes:
To downgrade 8a doulevei gia oles tis versions(kai thn 2.00 :D ).Patiste edw na dite kai monoi sas :) :http://www.psphacks.net/content/view/358/2/ h http://www.psp-hacks.com, h http://www.maxconsole.net Gia na to pisteψete..... :up: :yahoo: :D