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About DiciaN

  • Ημ. Γέννησης 31/10/1983

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Magges mpeite sto http://www.fedupnow.com kai dokimaste to rossiko firmware paromoio tou i398. Aksizei na to dokimasete. An thelete mpeite kai sto howardforums na deite ta sxetika. Tha kanw copy to post pou egrapsa alla varieme na to metafrazw. The Russian Firmware is really cool! ------ Pros: ----- 1. Much faster in the menus,textmessages and java. iTunes also much faster. 2.Louder Speakers (When you play a song you think your phone is going to explode. Plus the bullet ringtone for messages rulez) 3.Color Styles work and the timer button works. video is much better (doesn't lag that much). 4.Delivery report is working (mine didn't work with Shoeys even with the seem edits). 5. Nice icons in the menu (The best i have seen. Excellent animation) 6. Video does not chop in most of the cases. 7. iMelody under the sounds menu. (lets you compose melodies) 8. 8Mb free memory (phone) 9. No vibrating Key sound. 10. Working event lights (charging and Rythm lights) 11. iTunes is now under the tools menu. 12. All buttons are customizable (i changed voicerecord into video camera and it works) 13. Fast registering 14. Compatible with most of the java games (new york nights and all the good games work great). ------ Cons: ------ 1. You cant change the Wap mms an gprs settings. When you receve the browser message and then click update it says error. I found that the Cause may be the fact that the phone is filled with many many web sessions. 2. Stupid counterstrike startup and Shutdown pics and sounds (Man whats the strike with cs. All russians even my best friends still play cs about 7 hours/day. Grow up. Play battlefield lol ;D 3.Sometimes the sound is too loud. The phones really shakes. I thing the have messed with the gain table. 4.You have to swith to gprs auto attach = off or else you will see a Gprs message in the main screen. 5. When flashed then you will have to know really good your phone if you don't live in US or Uk cause the default language is going to be russian that look like egeptian letters. 6.Supid phonebook entries icons. 7. No transparency in the menus ( wallpaper picture wonts show in the backround of the main menu) ---- Thats all folks.
  2. Mages pigenete sto http://www.getjar.com kai tha vrite orees efarmoges gia to e398 kai gia opoio allo thelete. Agapimenh mou: SiMoney. Grafw ena peiragmeno frimware pou exei kai tin ts card kai videorecording. akoma kante se ena p2p search gia to pvauthor kai tha vreite ena gmato programa pou metatrepei arxeia se mp4 akoma kai tenies. auksiste ta kbps se 128 kai tha exete ekseretiki poiotita eikonas.
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