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Everything posted by constantinosd
Προτάσεις αγοράς: Ποιο PNA να επιλέξω;
constantinosd replied to eranakis's topic in Συσκευές πλοήγησης
Οκ, πολύ καλό αυτό. Το θέμα είναι το κατά πόσο το MLS 4800 δικαιολογεί να βάλεις το χέρι στη τσέπη; Μιας και τα 2 ξεκλειδώνουν, το θέμα είναι ποιο είναι πιο ασφάλες στο ξεκλείδωμα (λιγότερα περιθώρια λάθους να κάνεις τη συσκευή τούβλο!) και αν το hardware (CPU, RAM) σε κάθε περίπτωση μπορούν να τρέξουν άνετα άλλες εφαρμογές (GARMIN, iGO, DEST 6/7). Παρεπιμπτόντως με ενδιαφέρει αρκετά το GARMIN λόγω των χαρτών της ANAVASIS. -
Προτάσεις αγοράς: Ποιο PNA να επιλέξω;
constantinosd replied to eranakis's topic in Συσκευές πλοήγησης
Καλημέρα και από εμένα παίδες! Μου έκαναν δώρο ένα Moov 200. Επειδή θέλω να εγκαταστήσω και άλλα προγράμματα πλοήγησης (Garmin, Destinator), λέω να βάλω το χέρι στη τσέπη και να δώσω κάτι παραπάνω για να πάρω το MLS 4800 (το απλό, όχι BT). Τι με συμβουλεύετε; Μήπως στα λεφτά του MLS υπάρχει κάτι άλλο εναλλακτικά; (Δυστυχώς μπορώ να πάρω μόνο από PLAISIO, από κει μου το έκαναν δώρο) -
gesamfunai mou fainetai oti ekanes o,ti lab test mporouse na ginei! To provlima me mena einai oti afou ekana upgrade se GRC 230 den mporesa mexri kai twra na kanw connect to M600+ me to PC mesw USB. Mono me bluetooth :(
Xrisimo topic To dokimasa me epityxia mias kai to upgrade apo GRC 225 se GRC 230 apetyxe me activesync kai kateli3a se mia axristi syskeui .... http://www.eten-users.net/topic3694
Edw kai i apantisi gia to pws vrike tin M600+ GRC 230 ROM o filos mas.... Sorry I should have explain the way I found out things: 1. Concerning the direct link: I know that the etencorp support doesn't point to the specific filename or anyother. Their support is not very good as you can read in other posts. I found the information in the French International section (they have the same problem - etencorp support doesnt point to the french filename for the french M600+ 230 Upgade. As you can read in http://www.eten-users.net/topic4533 if you can understand french they found out that all the ROM Images are located in http://www.etencorp.com/Support/downloadfile/rom/. He just downloaded all the filenames with dates after 31/8/2006 and run them until he found the good one for him (french). I dont consider this procedure dangerous since the included uploader will check for device/language compatibility before starting the upload (anyway this protection is our problem otherwise we could just run /ETEN_M600/ROM_PLUS_EDITION/ENG-WWE/M600+_WWE_0230.exe and switch the devices to WWE). I started downloading the files starting from the last one dated 12/10/2006 (since we all know the the greek language will always get support last) and I was lucky on the first test. this filename is the upgrade for M600+ to GRC 230 version. I was able to upgrade my M600+ to GRC 230 with this file. 2. I know that everything already posted concerning the language switch is about the M600. The whole upgrade or language switch of any M600 or M600+ PDA is just the 3 files mentioned. You pick the "TEMP.DAT" file (which is the ROM Image) from the language/version you want (In our case the M600+ WWE 230) and replace the 2 .exe files from the /ETEN_M600/ROM/rom-special/M600-update-tool.rar. These 2 files are just the files needed to upload the new image to the phone. Since M600 & M600+ are not so different in hardware there should be no problem in using the loaders from M600 to upgrade a M600+ and I decided to use them. The reason you have to use these files is that the are from the so called M600 gold ROM 215 and they dont perform the language id check. I was able to switch my M600+ from the upgraded GRC 230 version to the WWE 230. Just to check that everything was ok and that the conversion was total I then used the /ETEN_M600/ROM_PLUS_EDITION/ENG-WWE/M600+_WWE_0230.exe without replacing the 2 .exe and the upgrade performed ok. To my understanding up to know, I strongly believe (I should say I'm certain but I cannot check everything) that you can switch language/versions in either M600 or M600+ by using the appropriate ROM image (TEMP.DAT) from whatever language/version you want and using the 2 exe from /ETEN_M600/ROM/rom-special/M600-update-tool.rar just to bypass the language check made by the uploader. Hope this will clarify things
Sto 401160633383 To 40 einai deuterolepta (kanena den 3epernaei to 59) To 11 meta einai psilo standard (yparxei se ola) Ara apomenei to 60633383 pou arxizei na exei endiaferon giati parousiazontai epanalipseis giati ta epomena 4 psifia (stin periptwsi mas 6063) epanalamvanontai gia arketa files (p.x. 5831, 5405 klp)
Ektos apo to mia dior8wsi sto proigoumeno mou email pou ennoousa "....den exw akoma katalavei pws apo to filename mporeis na katalaveis oti einai i ROM gia M600+ GRC 230" nomizw oti vrika kapoio pattern gia to filename 200610121409401160633383 ta prwta 12 psifia einai i imerominia kai i wra pou egine to upload 2006-10-12 14:09 ara auto pou menei einai to 401160633383 Kamia idea?
Geia sou gesamfunai! Eimai o constantinosd apo to eten-users pou exw steilei kai to email stin eten gia to direct link. Oson afora to link pou mas edwse (kai ton euxaristw) o filos mas o Snafu Commander, den exw akoma katalavei pws apo to filename mporeis na katalaveis oti einai i ROM gia M600 GRC 230. Ton exw rwtisei... perimenw apantisi. An tin deis esy prwtos, drop it edw. Pisteuw oti einai xrisimi pliroforia giati to link http://www.etencorp.com/Support/downloadfile/rom/ sou dinei backdoor se oles tis ROM tis eten, gia ola ta proionta, xwris na xreiazetai na kaneis registration (pou ekana egw)
Ara diladi apo o,ti katalavainw den yparxei alli periptwsi gia full wm5 para mono me wwe rom.... :( Sin tis allois pou i wwe rom 230 exei trela provlimata kai opoios tin evale ekane downgrade se 225.... Constantinos
Geia sas paides! Exw edw kai mia vdomada to m600+ apo to plaisio me tin elliniki rom 225. Arketa apo ta programmata twn wm5 den ta vrika mesa (transcribe, pocket msn klp). Ksereis kaneis kapoio workaround? Update? Euxaristw, Constantinos