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  1. Hi everyone! Edw kai kairo thelo na valo adsl tellas alla exw kapoies apories kai meso 13800 anti na mou dwsoun safeis apanthseis me mperdeoun akoma perisotero!! Authn th stigmh exw grammh isdn apo ote. Mporei kapoios na mou pei ean mporw na kanw aoristou xronou syndesh me tellas sta 384 kai an o logarismos apo tellas tha perilambanei pagio grammhs kai thn syndesh 384?[pou bganei kapou sta 51 euro] Ean oxi , poio einai to minimum symbolaio pou mporeis na kaneis? kai ti tha plirwno ston ote kai ti sthn tellas. {Sthn aithsh pou exei sto site ths tellas to mono symbolaio einai 12 mhnes. to idio mou eipan sto tilefono pou rwthsa xwris na einai sigouroi. Filos pou pire tilefono tou eipan oti mporei apo ta katasthmata Germanos na kanei kai 3mhn kai 6mhnh syndesh. Proxtes pou piga ston germano exoun mono aoristou xronou syndesh....xwris na kseroun ean h grammh tha einai misthomenh apo tellas kai ean tha exw ena logariasmo MOno apo tellas.....???? :wacko: } Please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you in advance! Sorry 4 my greekenglish.
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