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Everything posted by motorolaV980
kai mono pou to dianasa:cry: :cry:
sto imdb pairni 9.1 toso kalo ine?? pou to exoun dei ayti kai to bathmologisan?
Saw 4 Coming Halloween 2007 SAW III opened to a $34.3 million weekend, the biggest debut weekend for the franchise. Because of the growing success of the Saw franchise, Lionsgate Films plans to add more films to the SAW series beginning with SAW IV in October 2007. "The entire Lionsgate team has displayed boundless creativity, energy and marketing savvy, and they have been key to the success of this franchise. And there is still a lot of life in the SAW franchise," SAW producers Mark Burg and Oren Koules of Twisted Pictures said. "Writers have been hired and work is underway on SAW IV, which will continue the SAW reign of terror for Halloween 2007 ... After all, legends never die." The opening weekend for SAW III also gave Lionsgate its highest-grossing weekend in its history. The previous record was held by SAW II which took in $31.7 million on its opening weekend. "As a filmmaker and horror fan, it's been amazing to helm both of these films, SAW II and SAW III. This premise and franchise have so much substance to them, and with the devotion of the fans it is even more important that the SAW series continues," SAW III director Darren Lynn Bousman said. "We came up with a lot of great ideas and threads while making SAW III, and fortunately we were able to turn those ideas into individual scenes that perpetuate the SAW themes and motifs. Now that we've laid the groundwork for future SAW chapters, I'll hand off the filmmaking baton and look forward to next Halloween and another Jigsaw fix."
gia ellada xeroume pote tha erthi?
de mou aresei kanena idiaitera ala an itan na psifiso kati tha psifiza ton Erota!!:)
autos ine o dikos mou:wacko: :wacko: :wacko:
to kainourgio h to palio???????
Eυχαριστω παιδες. Δεν ηξερα καν οτι δε παιζουν τα win σε μια τετοια περιπτωση. Σε safe mode δεν μπανει με τπτ οποτε ξεχναω το μπακαπ, θα δοκιμασω repair η αλλιως format. Ετσι κ αλλιως το λειτουργικο το ειχα σε διαφορετικο partition. Νεοτερα το βραδυ
episimo site http://www.officialsaw.com/index2.html
...τα παντα πανε στραβα. Λοιπον ειχα(εχω?) το εξης συστημα: amd2000+,mobo Chaintech 7jvldeluxe,512mb ram,2hd-drives,geforce ti4200 Κλπ. Ηθελα,λογω καποιου μικροπορβληματος να βαλω μια αλλη παλια motherboard που εχω η οποιο ειναι μια albatron KX18D pro πακετο με τον επεξεραστη που ειχε πανω εναν amd2400+. Δεν δουλεψε ομως: Κατα την εκκινηση των χρ το συστημα εκανε reboot μονο του. Μετα απο αρκετο κοπο και διαολους, εβαλα ξανα την παλια chaintech αλλα.... τιποτα! Το συστημα πλεον κολλαει στην οθονη που κανει Loading τα windows. Επειδη ηταν η πρωτη(και η τελευταια μαλλον) φορα που εκανα τετοιου ειδους μεγαλη παρεμβαση στο εσωτερικο του υπολογιστη ειμαι σχεδον σιγουρος οτι ή κατι δεν εκανα καλα, ή ακομα χειροτερα οτι εκαψα κατι. Υπαρχει κατι που θα πρεπει να προσεξω ?? Στο BIOS στα jumperακια?? ΥΓ Να σημειωσω οτι ουτε το ledaki του σκληρου αναβει αν κ ακουγεται(ο σκληρος) αλλα αυτο ισως οφειλεται στο οτι δε θα εχω συνδεσει σωστα το βυσματακι. Ευχαριστω
deite ayto http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0416449/
nai re region 2 ine afou to kitaxa pantos kai emena entiposi mou kani.:blink: :blink: fantazome oti ta pio polla dvd sou ine agorasmena apo on line shops xoris grek subs???????
pisatevo pos to telos tou saw 1 itan to kalitero:) :)
makari na exoume ena anatreptiko telos opos to saw 1!:ninja: :ninja:
i dikia sou ine kailiteri emena apla exi ta 5 dvd se diforetika koutia:( :( apo pou ti pires?
molis ebala esena pos ine mesa i sikevasia??
oxi region 2 ine:)(apo play.com) se mena to kouti exi 5 xexorista dvd http://www.imageshack.gr/thumbs/zmhjzezjhxmdnhzynnmj.jpg mipos esena ine idiki siskevasia??:confused:
http://www.imageshack.gr/thumbs/vmmxjd5dyoedmnadjndt.jpg http://www.imageshack.gr/thumbs/oyzgy1tg3zmnvizemaky.jpg http://www.imageshack.gr/thumbs/qi0mogzj4dzldmldg1zi.jpg http://www.imageshack.gr/thumbs/twykdtczybxqxmkzznll.jpg http://www.imageshack.gr/thumbs/ywjzytayyhdljmuntomm.jpg poli mikri sillogi to xero:( :(
pos anabazoume tis foto?????? giati den exo idea!!!!!!:(
xethabo to thread:) :) the exorcist 1(korifi:!: :!: ) the shining(poli kalo:X ) nightmare on elm street(eidika to 1:ninja: ) scream 1(klasiko:rolleyes: ) the grudge(sa tainia de leei kai polla ala ine tromaxtiko:cry: :cry: )
http://img255.imageshack.us/img255/8272/p1010037kq2.th.jpg ti ine ayto to paketo tou exorcist?
ma giati pola dvd den ta exis bgali apo ti zelatina???
sintoma tha anebaso kai ego ala min perimenete kati to spoudeo:( :(