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Everything posted by pgss

  1. Και πολύ τυχερος θα είσαι εγώ στην Πανεπιστημίου το έχω πάρει και σε 5 - 7 εργάσιμες!!! :mad: :mad:
  2. kalhmera se oloys, Edw kai ligo kairo kapoies fores (oxi panta) otan kleinw to portaki toy thl. apenergopoieitai. Dokimasa loipon ki egw na to paw sto service ths MOTOROLA, na to ftia3oyn mias kai eimai sthn eggyhsh. Mantepste.... gia na dirthwthei h katastash moy anavathimisan to software toy kin.:lol:.??? Fysika to problhma moy den ly8hke kai etsi to 3anaphga sto service legwntas toys ayth th fora mhpws einai kamia enwsh poy dhmioyrgei to problhma!!! (ekei phge to myalo moy amesws), twra eytyxws akoma leitoyrgei kanonika kai den svhnei, 8a doyme..... gnvwrizei kapoios poy mporei na ofeiletai ayto?
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