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Everything posted by cheesecake2005

  1. 8a h8ela kapoios na mou pei ean to nokia 7710 einai kalutero tou sep910 kai se poious tomeis overall? thanx
  2. geia sas paidia.exw ena p910 vodafone live me sundesh cosmote.to exw 5 mhnes.e loipon akoma den exw kataferei na sunde8w me apolutws kanena messenger ( agile, +im, etc.) .enw exw kanonika prosbash sto internet den mporw na katalaba ti ftaiei.please mporei kapoios na mou dwsei kamia boh8eia? thanx
  3. geia sas paidia.exw ena problhma.exw to p910i vodafone live suskevh me cosmote sundesh..enw mporw na sunde8w sto internet kanonika mesw tou programatos tou kinhtou den mporw na sunde8w me agile messenger,opera,+im,profimail.phra thn cosmote kai mou eipe pws prepei na energopoihsw thn uhpresia wireless internet .aporw.pws einai dunaton na sundeomai kanonika mesw tou programatos tou kinhtou kai oxi mesw kapoiu allou software? please an kserei kaneis as apanthsei.einai basiko gia mena na exw email sto kinhto!!! thanx email cheesecake132003@yahoo.gr
  4. sto agile messenger leei oti unable to..... kai sthn suskevh ayth ka8e ayth leei anapanthth klhsh!!!!!!! egw den katalaba,,,esy?
  5. loipon exoume kai leme.adunatw na sunde8w me msn h +im h akoma kai me to opera.exw vodafone suskevh me sundesh cosmote.mou einai aparaithto na exw email sto kinhto mou.den gnwrizw arketa etsi wste na dwsw lush monos mou...please kapoios na mou daneisei ta fwta tou gia ligo thanx cheesecake132003@yahoo.gr
  6. file vacchus apo th mia prospa8ei na sunde8ei mono tou kai mou deixnei to eikonidio sthn katw meria alla apo thn allh me rwtaei kiolas taytoxrona an 8elw na sunde8w me cosmote gprs/mmms/push service.exw dhladh aytes tis 3 epiloges enw exei kanei hdh thn prwth kinhsh gia na sunde8ei..... se mperdepsa? :wacko:
  7. paidia exw megalo problhma me th sundesh sto internet.mono mesw tou default explorer mporw na sunde8w.enw mou deixnei to icon ths sundeshs oute stewlnei oute dexetai tpt.oute opera oute agile messenger oute to +im oute to profi mail.exw sundesh cosmote me suskevh vodafone live.exw apelpistei kuriws me to na mhn mporw na vlepw ta mails mou.parakalw ton opoiondhpote na me boh8hsei pleaseeeeee!!!!!!!
  8. file vacchus to mono provlhma pou antimetwpizw einai to ekshs.agorasa mia memcard 128mb.apo th stigmh pou thn topo8ethsa kai meta ka8e fora pou anoigw to portaki emfanizei lefkh o8onh gia kana 5ari defterolepta kai meta emfanizei to active desktop to opoio by the way 8elw na ksefortw8w kai antaftou na mou emfanizei to desktop tou tracker...kata ta alla den exw gia thn wra kapoio idiaitero problhma.
  9. geia sas paidia.exw proanaferei pws eimai ki egw neos katoxos tou p910i.genika ofeilw na paradextw oti me tis toses dunatothtes exw xa8ei kai exw polles apories.ena pantws pou 8elw na sas anaferw einai to update tou.exw thn ekdosh CDA162006/12 R2A03.sto site ths se eida oti uparxei dia8esimh h R17. mporw na to kanw install afova?8a sunexisw na exw thn egguhsh tou thlefwnou h automatws thn xanw?kai kati basikotato.se ti 8a me boh8hsei ayto to update? P.S. kaigomai na vrw zelatina gia thn o8onh?kserei kaneis tpt gia ayto? ayta gia thn wra.....thanx!!!
  10. geia xara.eimai ki egw ena apo ta nea melh.prin mia avdomada agorasa to p910i kai eimai gematos erwthseis :worry: .den 8a sas kourasw omws polu.gia arxh 8elw kati shmantiko.exw sundesh cosmote kai dustuxws phra vodafone suskevh.egatesthsa to tracker alla san prwth o8onh mou emfanizei to active desktop ths vodafone ( mhnuma,ergasies,sunanthsh) panta me to portaki anoikto.uparxei tropos na perasw san active desktop to tracker,koinws otan anoigw to portaki na mou emfanizei to tracker? kai kati allo.ta agile messenger kai to opera den ,mporoun me tpt na sunde8oun sto net.kserei kaneis tpt gia ayto? paidia thanx ek twn proterwn... :)
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