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Everything posted by Alexadros

  1. mporw na exw kai egw ena invitation gia to gmail? apichas@yahoo.gr Eyxaristw poly!!!
  2. Otan to exw energopoihmeno den mporw na mpw se kamia selida oyte me ton internet explorer oyte me ton mozilla firefox! otan ton apenergopoiw to zone alarm ola ok! mporw na mpw! koitaxa epsaxa kai stis rythmiseis toy zone alarm alla den mporesa na vgalw akrh.... xerete tipota? ti mporw na kanw? Eyxaristw!
  3. poly periergo moy akoygetai... alla apo thn stigmh poy den desmeyesai me kanena symvolaio.. pws mporoyn na se xrewsoyn?
  4. ston germano vrhka thn Memory Stick Lexar 128MB 42E me f.p.a. mallon apo'kei tha thn parw.. thn antistoixh to play247 thn exei 47 to link poy thn vrhka einai : http://www.e-germanos.gr/e-germanos/el/shop/closeup.jsp?idProduct=28980&idCategory=019.001.001
  5. Opoy nanai moy teleiwnoyn ta 600sms , an energopoihsw ayrio ta 100sms tha einai mexri tis 30/9 h mexri tis 10 oktwvrh?
  6. Ο Το δοκίμασα και ήρθε σε whats up σε Τ610 ειδοποίηση για νέο email!!! Kai se mena akrivws to idio egine? esteile sto kinhto mhn. kai moy hrthe email sto mycosmos kai sto kinhto mono h eidopoihsh gia neo email! to dokimasa kai se tim alla den doyleyei!
  7. opa! sorry! den ta eixa dei ayta! xthes poy pathsa sta memory sticks den moy ta eixe emfanisei!
  8. wraio fainetai to site alla den exei megalh poikilia proiwntwn p.x. gia memory stick poy psaxnw exei mono apo 512 mb kai panw enw egw psaxnw gia 128 h 256 mb! epishs exei mono memory sticks ths lexar kai oxi ths sony
  9. gia na usxyei h prosfora twn 500sms prepei me to poy tha energopoihseis to neo numero na energopoihseis kai thn antistoixh prosfora me ta 100 h ta 250 sms?
  10. nai ki emena akrivws to idio pragma moy ekane kai meta moy grafei ta parapanw akrivws poy egrapsa! exw ta windows me
  11. piga na egatastisw to programma FMA sto pc kai moy vgazei to exhs mhnyma afoy paw na to trexw : Exception EOleCtrlError in module MOBILEAGENT.EXE at 0011D224. Microsoft ActiveX Script Control failed. Η Κλάση δεν έχει καταχωρηθεί. ti na kanw?
  12. Alexadros

    Wind MMS

    Ta MMS mporeis na ta steileis kai se allo diktyo ektos apo telestet an exeis telestet? thelw na steilw mms se noymero vodafone! tha to dextei kanonika?
  13. katevasa to arxeio fma-0.10-rc2-setup apo to site kai to kanw install kai moy vgazei to exhs mhnyma enw paw na to trexw : Expection EOleCTRLError in module MOBILEAGENT.EXE at 0011A729. Microsoft ActiveX Script Control not installed. ti shmainei ayto? mhpws katevasa lathos arxeio apo to site h prepei na katevasw kai kapoio allo arxeio prokeimenoy na doylepsw! exw yperythres sto pc kai to anagnwrizei kanonika to T610 kai ta windows moy einai ta millenium.
  14. piga na koitaxw shmera sto http://www.vodafone-shop.gr kai den eixe to T610 sthn selida toy? ti egine? teleiwse? xerete mipws poso exei sthn vodafone kai poso to exei o germanos sta 120 lepta dwrean omilias se cosmote kai vodafone kai poso sta 13o lepta ths telestet?
  15. piga na koitaxw shmera sto http://www.vodafone-shop.gr kai den eixe to T610 sthn selida toy? ti egine? teleiwse? xerete mipws poso exei sthn vodafone kai poso to exei o germanos sta 120 lepta dwrean omilias se cosmote kai vodafone kai poso sta 13o lepta ths telestet?
  16. skeftomai na parw to T610! akoysa apo edw mesa poly kala logia kai exw meinei enthoysiasmenos! alla otan ta mhnymata ta gyrizeis se ellhnika mporeis na grapseis mexri 70 xarakthres kai oxi 160? opws htan sta palia ericsson?
  17. kai poso diasthma mporeis na xrhsimopoihseis thn xronokarta twn 25e?
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