william blake
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Everything posted by william blake
μαλλον εννοεις Before Sunset, εχω ακουσει καλα λογια για την ταινια, we'll see οταν ερθει η ωρα υγ: το οτι ολη η ταινια ειναι ενας διαλογος δεν ειναι απαραιτητα αρνητικο
στο site εχει τους catalyst σκετους, περιπου 25mb και τους catalyst μαζι με το control center, περιπου 44mb
ετσι ηταν το comic
Kαι το Nightmares & Dreamscapes ειναι συλλογη ιστοριων, μερικες εκ των οποιων ειναι πολυ καλες
επισης μια καλη εναλλακτικη ειναι η 5900XT, την οποια μπορεις να βρεις με περιπου 200
δεν μας νοιαζει καθολου :D ακομα κι αν ερθει, θα κανει 500 χρονια :p οι amazonες μας καλουν :lol:
μακαρι, αλλα δεν νομιζω, το Ηλ2 μου θυμιζει το sendo X, αν εβγαιναν στην ωρα τους ειχαν ολα τα εχεγγυα να κανουν την διαφορα :) για το sendo ειναι ηδη αργα, για το Hλ2, με far cry & doom 3 στην πιατσα, δεν ειμαι καθολου σιγουρος
αν εχεις hp, το cpu usage χωριζεται σε δυο μερη
ψαξε καλα στο bios, καπου θα σου ξεφυγε για να δεις αν εχεις το hp enable, πατα alt+ctrl+del, στο performance το cpu usage history πρεπει να ειναι χωρισμενο στα δυο
καιρους να μαθουν πως γινεται :p
επειδη μιλαμε για ομοορφια... Catherine Zeta-Jones
φαγαμε το doom, εδω θα κολλησουμε ? :p
επιτελους !!! κλεβω απο megagames: It appears that the on-going struggle to get Half-Life 2 to the public may about to be resolved. The latest, unconfirmed, news is that H-L 2 has gone gold. Considering the hard luck which both developer and publisher have had during this project, it is not surprising that neither wishes to comment on the news. The news of Valve's legal dispute with VU Games had some people worried that H-L 2 may not see the light of day but this latest news should settle most people down. Mexican party games aside, proof of H-L 2s recent Gold status is limited but some developments from the European front have a strong taste of Gold. It is reported that in Europe H-L 2 has been sent to the PEGI (Pan European Games Information age rating system) for classification, then on to the BBFC (British Board of Film Classification) for certification. Under normal conditions, this is the normal sequence of events for a game that has already gone gold and is preparing for release. A British Board of Film Classification spokesperson has confirmed that the BBFC already has a copy of Half-Life 2. It is however, a bit harder to get the BBFC to tell us what they are doing with it. Since they are not the gamer types, we suspect that their short under evaluation statement may back-up the rumor regarding the imminence of an H-L 2 Gold announcement. και επισης απο ενα αλλο forum: LOS ANGELES (October 18, 2004) Vivendi Universal Games (VU Games) today announced that Half-Life 2, the sequel to one of the most critically acclaimed PC titles in gaming history, will ship to retail outlets around the world in November. The Company confirmed that Half-Life 2, developed by Valve Software, has gone gold with a planned retail street date of November 16, 2004. The countdown to the highly anticipated retail street date has begun around the world, as VU Games completes plans to ship localized versions of Half-Life 2 simultaneously in English, French, Spanish, Italian, German, Traditional and Simplified Chinese, Korean, Thai and Japanese. Half-Life 2 has surpassed our expectations in every sense its high-quality graphics, ground-breaking physics and immersive first-person shooter gameplay set a new standard for PC action games, said Bruce Hack, CEO of VU Games. Half-Life 2 will go down as one of the best-selling PC titles, and we are thrilled to deliver this ground-breaking title to the worldwide gaming community this fall. Επισης: Half-Life 2 Offers R E T A I L B O X : 1. Standard Edition: -- Half-Life 2 -- Counter-Strike: Source Note: Ships on six CDs. Three different box designs will be made available at launch (cover characters change on the different designs: one is Gordon, one is Alyx, and the third is the Gman). 2. Collector's Edition: -- Half-Life 2 -- Counter-Strike: Source -- Half-Life 1: Source -- Half-Life 2 T-shirt -- Prima book sampler Note: This version will contain the games on a DVD. S T E A M O F F E R I N G S 1. Bronze -- Half-Life 2* -- Counter-Strike: Source *(To be made available upon product's release.) 2. Silver -- Half-Life 2* -- Counter-Strike: Source -- Half-Life 1: Source* -- Day of Defeat: Source* -- Valve's back catalog currently available on Steam *(To be made available upon products' release.) 3. Gold -- Half-Life 2* -- Counter-Strike: Source -- Half-Life 1: Source* -- Day of Defeat: Source* -- Valve's back catalog currently available on Steam -- Complete Strategy Guide from Prima Games -- 3 different Half-Life 2 posters -- Half-Life 2 hat -- Half-Life 2 postcard -- Half-Life 2 stickers -- Half-Life 2 Soundtrack CD -- Chance to win a trip to Valve! (1 trip offered for every 5000 Gold packages purchased). *(To be made available upon products' release.)
P H O TO S H O P Filter -> Blur -> Gaussian Blur, EDIT: βαλτε αρκετο blur , πχ 10, να "θολωσει" αρκετα η εικονα μετα (χωρις να πειραξετε τιποτα αλλο) Edit-> Fade Gaussian Blur αφηστε το opacity στο 100% και βαλτε το mode στο color (παιξτε αν θελετε λιγο με τα mode, αλλα νομιζω το color ταιριαζει καλυτερα)
για δευτερο catwoman να μας προστατευουν οι αρχεγονες δυναμεις του συμπαντος :D :p αλλα για Hellboy 2 it is too late : http://www.boxofficeprophets.com/tickermaster/listing.cfm?TMID=1716 & http://www.thehollywoodreporter.com/thr/article_display.jsp?vnu_content_id=1000511057
τωρα με ξενερωσατε, ειχα ακουσει καλα λογια για την ταινια, μαλιστα διαβασα οτι πηγε πολυ καλα εξω, αφου σκεφτονται και sequel
το trailrer παντως φαινεται χαλια
ψαξε στο ιντερνετ, υπαρχουν 8000 tutorials :D σου βρηκα ενα προχειρο: http://www.myjanee.com/tuts/headrep/headrep.htm
speaking of metal.... W a s p - T h e I d o l Will I be alone this morning Will I need my friends Something just to ease away the pain And now I never see the loneliness Behind my face I am just a prisoner to my faith If I could only stand and stare in the mirror would I see One fallen hero with a face like me And if I scream, could anybody hear me If I smash the silence, you'll see what fame has done to me Kiss away the pain and leave me lonely I'll never know if love's a lie Ooh - being crazy in paradise is easy Can you see the prisoners in my eyes Where is the love to shelter me Give me love, love set me free Where is the love, to shelter me Only love, love set me free Set me free
Είναι ο Bασιλιάς Νηρ και πλήττει αφόρητα... Αποφασιζει για να περάσει την ώρα του να ακούσει ΅ουσική και γε΅ίζει όλο το κάστρο ΅ε ηχεία... Βάζει στη διαπασών τη ΅ουσική και από την πολλή ένταση πεθαίνει. Ποιό το ηθικό δίδαγ΅α; Πάειονηρ!!!
εβγαλα κι εγω ενα στα γρηγορα :D αλλα μετα εμαθα οτι με ειχε προλαβει ο Rοbert Burns 2 αιωνες πριν :p *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* O, my luve's like a red, red rose That's newly sprung in June O, my luve's like the melodie That's sweetly play'd in tune As fair art thou, my bonie lass So deep in luve am I And I will luve thee still, my Dear Till a' the seas gang dry Till a' the seas gang dry, my Dear And the rocks melt wi' the sun! O I will luve thee still, my Dear While the sands o' life shall run *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
ολα τα προγραμματα επεξεργασιας εικονας (photoshop, photopaint etc) αλλα δεν ειναι ευκολο, θελει δουλεια γιανα εχεις καλο αποτελεσμα