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Everything posted by babis21

  1. Παιδια κατεβασα το azureus και εβαλα να κατεβασω ενα παιχνιδι αλλα η ταχυτητα με την οποια κατεβαζω ειναι πολυ μικρη (5-6 kb) ενω εχω adsl 768.Γιατι κατεβαζω με τοσο μικρη ταχυτητα ????
  2. Advanced Device Locks v1.0 http://www.handango.com/include/pictures/346021/adl_s60_anim.gif Download http://rapidshare.com/files/2107251/Advanced_Device_Locks_v1.0.zip.html Enjoy !!!
  3. Oval Racer http://shop.my-symbian.com/include/pictures/33923/orscr07.pnghttp://www.handango.com/pictures/33923/orscr01.png Oval Racer brings you real racing, for real racers. The hardest, fastest, meanest, driving game for mobile phones. Developed by a kart racer with 15 years racing experience, not an armchair enthusiast, you'll see and feel the difference. Oval Racer was developed to bring you the thrills of real life wheel to wheel, bumper to bumper racing. Download http://rapidshare.com/files/2061613/Oval_Racer_v0.53_3D.zip.html
  4. Τι να σου πω , δεν ξερω.Με το ονομα που μου εδωσες εκανα search στο ip-mart και βρηκα αυτο το game :)
  5. Παιδια ξερει κανεις το παρακατω κομματι ??? http://rapidshare.com/files/1934202/__922___945___955___959_....amr.html
  6. Puzzle Bobble v1.1.6 http://img440.imageshack.us/img440/9339/puzzlebobble1qv4.jpg Download http://rapidshare.com/files/1917769/Puzzle_Bobble_v1.1.6.zip.html Enjoy !!!
  7. Εχω συνδεσει 2 υπολογιστες σε LAN.Ξερετε καποιο προγραμμα για να κανω chat ???
  8. Compass Download http://rapidshare.com/files/1794602/Compass.zip.html
  9. Need For Speed Most Wanted Download http://rapidshare.com/files/1721374/Need_For_Speed_Most_Wanted.zip.html Treasure Digger Download http://rapidshare.com/files/1721189/Treasure_Digger.zip.html Adventures Of Sherlock Holmes The Silver Earring Download http://rapidshare.com/files/1721586/Adventures_Of_Sherlock_Holmes_The_Silver_Earring.zip.html Leisure Suit Larry Bikini Beach Volley Download http://rapidshare.com/files/1721691/Leisure_Suit_Larry_Bikini_Beach_Volley.zip.html The Sims 2 Download http://rapidshare.com/files/1721807/The_Sims_2.zip.html Enjoy !!!
  10. xCaller http://shop.my-symbian.com/include/pictures/684596/xcalleranim.gif Download http://rapidshare.com/files/1720418/xCaller_v1.08.zip.html
  11. SMSAlert http://shop.my-symbian.com/include/pictures/1049337/smsalert1.gif SMSAlert lets you associate different tones to different SMS senders. SMSAlert can also be used to mask the SMS ring tone for any given contact by substituting the default tone with silence. This feature makes applications such as MumSMS even more effective. Both system tones and gallery tones can be associated. Download : Trial Download : Full
  12. Εχει κανεις ενα απο τα δυο να μας πει γνωμες ???
  13. Ωραια κατεληξα σε αυτην που ειπα πριν.Αν καποιος την εχει ας μας πει εντυπωσεις !!!!
  14. Εγω σκεφτομαι για αυτη.Τι λες ???
  15. Παιδια εσεις που ξερετε καλυτερα πιο mp3 player μου προτεινετε απο αυτα τα δυο?? 1)PHILIPS SA1305/02 512MB 2)MP3 CRYPTO UM-400 512MB
  16. Σκεφτομαι να αγορασω μια καρτα τηλεωρασης για τον υπολογιστη μου.Θα ηθελα να την αγορασω απο το e-shop.gr αλλα οταν μπηκα να δω πια να διαλεξω μπερδευτηκα με τοσες που εχει.Θα ηθελα καποιος που ξερει να μου προτεινει μια καλη γυρω στα 40-45 €. Α και κατι αλλο , θα ηθελα να εχει remote control , full screen και αν γινεται να μπορω να κανω εγγραφη καποιας σειρας ή ταινιας. Ελπιζω να με καταλαβαται.:)
  17. Για δειτε αυτο: http://img500.imageshack.us/img500/7024/scrshot030pg.jpg http://img500.imageshack.us/img500/2366/scrshot048qn.jpg http://img480.imageshack.us/img480/9129/scrshot053ei.jpg http://img480.imageshack.us/img480/73/scrshot067yn.jpg http://img491.imageshack.us/img491/9967/scrshot071jx.jpg FExplorer http://www.gosymbian.com/dhscr/download/dwl_fe_beta.php?name=FExplorer
  18. Θυμασαι πως λεγοταν η εφαρμογη για το 6600 ?????
  19. Για δοκιμασε αυτο: Message Saver v2.00 Download http://rapidshare.com/files/1052335/Message_Saver_v2.00.zip.html Enjoy !!!
  20. Ξερει κανεις πως λεγεται το κατσαβιδι για να ξεβιδωσω τις βιδουλες του κινητου ???
  21. VBirthday http://shop.my-symbian.com/include/pictures/1399037/vbirthdayscreenshot1.jpg VBirthday S60 helps you to control the annual events you always want to remember. You will not forget the birthday of your friend and the anniversary of wedding of your brother. Download : Trial Download : http://rapidshare.com/files/1024690/VBirthday_v1.0.zip.html ProfiMail 2.60 S60 v2 http://www.lonelycatgames.com/picture/profimail/shot07.png ProfiMail is a powerful e-mail client for mobile devices. It allows you to read your mail on go, and send text with attachments directly from your device. Send photos, recorded sound or simply text messages to friends, from anywhere. Through your mobile Internet connection. Simple. Features: * Automatic synchronization of messages with mail server * IMAP folders * Attachments - view, save, send * HTML messages with images and hyperlinks * Built-in File Explorer * Address book * Signatures * Support for POP3 / IMAP / SMTP mail servers * Writing mails using T9 dictionary * Multiple email accounts * Rules and filters allowing selective message download * Opens and browses ZIP archives * Support for various character encoding - Western, Cyrillic, Central European, and more * Build-in image viewer - JPG, PNG and other popular formats * Text viewer for standard text, HTML and Word documents * Optimized for GPRS - get headers first, then download message bodies which you really want to see * Scheduled message download * Sound notifications Supported devices: Nokia 3230, 3650, 6260, 6600, 6620, 6630, 6670, 7610, N-gage, N70, N90, 6680 Download http://rapidshare.com/files/1025984/ProfiMail_v2.60.zip.html
  22. Woman Mobile http://shop.my-symbian.com/include/pictures/80261/woman_s60.gif WomanMobile is a medical calendar for the S60 2.x platform designed to assist women in keeping accurate records of their menstrual cycle. It is also a handy assistant when it comes to contraception, family planning and getting control over one's body and life. Download : Trial Download : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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