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stardust's Achievements
Newbie (1/14)
Hello Εχω μια εργασια για το πανεπιστημιο κ προσπαθω εδω κ μερες να βρω πληροφοριες για μια γλωσσα προγραμματισμου που λεγεται MINIMAL. (Machine INdependent Macro Assembly Language) Αν εχει κανεις την παραμικρη ιδεα που μπορω να βρω πληροφοριες θα με σωσετε.....
πήρα πρόσφατα το Ε800 και προσπάθησα να περάσω φωτογραφίες κλπ με υπέρυθρες με το easystudio. γενικά φαίνεται να δουλεύει μια χαρά γιατί τα SMS και το address book τα διαβάζει αλλά όταν προσπαθώ να κάνω upload/download αρχεία μου λέει fail to transfer files.. καμιά ιδέα?
;) found!! 'I'm gonna kick you out' apo Ceasars h kati sxetiko me ceasars... ante k kalo listening to your sister :p
psaxnw ena tragoudi pu akougetai arketa..dance, xaroumeno..apo stixous exw piasei kati liga.. "shake around jump ...... take a trip live your life" to 3erei kaneis?
Hello, prospa8w na kanw sto director mx se shockwave kapoio button n anoigei mia kainouria selida..mexri ekei kala alla 8elw na anoigei se kainourio para8yro k na mhn exei scrollbars, na mhn einai resizable klp.. any help?..
ok, kommati asxeto ayto pu rwtaw alla pls opoios exei idea apo java boh8hste giati xanomaste.. Examine the following code that allows you to write and read Strings to and from file. Use this code to write sentences given by the user to a file. Each new input should be on a new line. The character for a new line is '\n'. The user should be able to keep typing in new sentences until they type "end". When the user has finished, read the content of the file and print it in reverse order. import java.io.*; //input and output classes public class Writing { public static void main(String[] args){ /** * Do not worry about understanding try or catch. These will be covered in a later lecture.. */ try { FileWriter writer = new FileWriter("m.txt",true); writer.write("Marina\n"); writer.close(); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("c://m.txt")); String line = reader.readLine(); System.out.println(line); reader.close(); } catch(IOException e) { System.out.println("nn"); } } } ayth einai h m........, ama exei kaneis thn paramikrh idea ti prepei na kanw 8a tu sthsw agalma..... thanx..
exei xilioapanth8ei... windows CE .NET, compiled me to analogo SDK ths //neonode//...
e to prohgoumeno htane posted by CYBERSLEDGE.. apla htane logged in me la8os user name :$
xexeeee... otan ta elega egw!!! " Το Nokia 7600 θα βασίζεται στην πλατφόρμα Series 45 της φινλανδικής εταιρείας, η οποία αποτελεί την «αναβαθμισμένη» έκδοση της γνωστής Series 40, που ήδη ενσωματώνεται στα Nokia 7210, 7250, 6100, 5100 κ.α. Οι χρήστες του κινητού θα μπορούν να «βιντεοσκοπήσουν» τις αναμνήσεις τους, αρκεί η διάρκεια της καθεμίας από αυτές να μην υπερβαίνει τα 2,5 λεπτά. Σύμφωνα με τους ιθύνοντες της φινλανδικής εταιρείας, στα δίκτυα WCDMA θα είναι εφικτή η αποστολή και λήψη των video-clips, ακόμη και κατά τη διάρκεια των τηλεφωνικών συνδιαλέξεων. " http://www.myphone.gr/devices/preview.php?id=32 ... SYmbian einai!! alla series 40 kai 1...
den einai ayto dystyxws..... kamia allh idea??????
hello there.. psaxnw ena kommati pou einai mallon apo kapoio buddha bar, ekougetai synexeia h idia melwdia se piano k siga siga mpainei k beat..den exei fwnh ka8olou, mono ayto..einai arketa melagxoliko kommati.. mhpws to 3erei kanenas?
loipon, loipon...sas exw dyskola alla xreiazomai apegnwsmena th boh8eia sas... psaxnw ena kommati pou mallon einai se kapoio apo ta prwta buddha bar.. einai olo mono piano k epanalambanetai synexeia h idia melwdia sthn arxh teleiws sketo k meta siga siga mpainei k ligo beat k deytero xeri piano.. pantws s olo to kommati akougetai h idia melwdia apo piano. den exei ka8olou fwnhtika by the way.. please please please ama to 3erei kapoios peite to k se mena giati to psaxnw poly kairo.... thanx...
diabasa epilektika kapoia posts s ayto to 8ema k apogohteythka arketa apo th stash merikwn.. diabasa pragmata gia tis synepeis mias ektrwshs sthn psyxologia mias kopelas pou meta apo 10 xronia mporei na 8elei paidi k na skeftetai ayto pou..skotwse.. h thn ekplhktikh idea symfwna me thn opoia mia 16xronh kopela 8a prepei na karathsei ena paidi pou egine apo la8os k na to dwsei gia yio8esia afou gennh8ei... wraia..egw eimai mia 17xronh kopela pou eytyxws de xreiasthke na kanw mia tetoia epembash.. ayto de shmainei oti den yparxoun polles alles me paromoies syn8hkes zwhs, paromoia oneira ka stoxous m emena pou blepoun th zwh na 3ekinaei mprosta tous k briskontai sthn hlikia pou prepei na epile3oun ti 8a kanoun sth zwh tous.. pws mporei na niwsei mia tetoia kopela an katalabei 3afnika oti perimenei ena paidi? to skefthke kaneis..? skefteite ligo tis antidraseis olwn (goneis filoi symma8htes klp klp) mprosta se mia tetoia egkymosynh..h kopela de 8a mporei na synexisei to sxoleio pi8anotata 8a apomakryn8ei apo tous filous ths epishs pi8anotata meta apo kapoio diasthma na apomakryn8ei k apo ton ..patera..kai meta ti 8a kanei?giati na ypostei monh ths oles tis synepeies k na katastrepsei to mellon ths otan h aney8ynothta den htan mono dikh ths? alla akoma k an ypo8esoume oti telika to krataei, k meta th gennhsh dinei to paidi gia yio8esia meta de 8a skeftetai to paidi THS pou to exei dei na gennietai an 8a einai kala k se ti syn8hkes 8a zei?mallon nai kai sigoura ayto 8a ths prokalei poly megalytero pono apo ka8e ektrwsh opws k sto paidi otan megalwnontas ma8ei thn alh8eia.. mia ektrwsh ginetai mexri trito mhna k synh8ws arketa pio prin..tote to embryo den einai kan sxhmatismenos an8rwpos k oi antidraseis tou einai enstiktwdeis, basei dna oxi basei synes8hmatwn, fobou kai ponou.. ayta h8ela na pw..
Τεχνολογικοί προβληματισμοί... γενικά!
stardust replied to vampyre's topic in Τεχνολογικοί προβληματισμοί
agglika pantou...ektos tu oti sta se ta ellhnika menu einai oligon ti tragika, sta sms an 8es na grapseis mesa sto ellhniko sms mia agglikh le3h prepei na to gyrnas enw sta greeklish den exeis tetoio problhma.. bebaia apo thn allh ypotimame th glwssa mas etsi but h praktikothta proexei gia mena toulaxiston..