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About karellang

  • Ημ. Γέννησης Απρίλιος 3

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  1. so expensive this is cheaper high quality case , no fingerprints, no schratches https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Luxury-Dragon-Phone-Case-For-LeEco-Le-TV-1S-2-2pro-S3-Max-2-Pro-3/32826305988.html?spm=2114.search0604.3.26.120745f6sBF2Wu&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_5_10152_10151_10065_10344_5723115_10068_5722815_10342_10343_10340_5722915_10341_5722615_10696_10084_10083_10618_10304_10307_10820_10821_10302_5722715_10059_100031_10103_10624_10623_10622_5722515_10621_10620,searchweb201603_25,ppcSwitch_3&algo_expid=0f610ece-59d3-4c37-bafa-2f421f31dd1d-3&algo_pvid=0f610ece-59d3-4c37-bafa-2f421f31dd1d&transAbTest=ae803_1&priceBeautifyAB=0
  2. EUI 5.9.030S CN https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NrlZJEtGp6969fKbG5oYi7jskzq_qN6U/view I did not test it.
  3. I found bug into EUI6-Nougat 7.1.2 Stable Full ROM Cleaned ROM. I can´t add my second google account. If I try add it, Settings app FC.
  4. Which TWRP? I try Multirom TWRP as primary & external ROM and last official TWRP. Doesn´t work. Full wipe before instalation. (system, data, cache, dalvik)
  5. don´t forget before flash via fastboot install drivers and enable USB Debug and OEM unlock in developers options and before flashing C.B.G ROM via TWRP wipe dalvik, cache, system and data
  6. flash fastboot ROM via PC and next flash C.B.G. ROM via TWRP Fastboot ROM here. https://androidfilehost.com/?w=files&flid=136823 Last C.B.G. ROM stable android 6 here https://mega.nz/#!xDw3XCrD!oWAgktHnwiePJPmLaZ-vBSWQGdrmW9wtDd91SmvmQ90 sorry for english, I´m from Czech Republic. P.S. Thanks C.B.G. for your hard work.
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