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  1. H etairia leitourgei edw 6 mines alla prosferei upiresies tous teleutaious 2 mines. H diafimistiki kampania arxizei entos tis vdomadas kai to national roaming an kai exei upograftei i Cyta kathisterei stin efarmogi tis. Vasika epeidi i Cyta twra psaxnei prosfores gia diktuo tritis genias (100 ekatomuria budget!!) kai i Areeba toxei idi etoimo apo oti akougete prospathoun na tous kathisterisoun oso mporoun. Kata ta alla i Areeba arxise idi na prosferei upiresies .... tritis genias parakalw se sunergates tis etairias. Apo tin alli vdomada akougete tha ginei to megalo mpam....2 ekatomuria se diafimisi!!
  2. To Mr. Charalambos Theopempou (KINIMA OIKOLOGWN) I read every now and then articles concerning the hazards from electromagnetic radiation from mobile base stations. I was shocked when I saw your article in POLITIS. Although you mentioned that there is no scientific basis for backing up these concerns, still you use language (telecoms companies can “trick” people with concealed antennas, uncontrolled installation of base stations near schools etc) that will alert any parent that reads the article. Ordinary people over exaggerate reading articles written in a “hostile” manner especially from politicians. Like the incident were the residents from a building took matters into their own hands and tried to dismantle an antenna from their roof because they would all die from cancer in a few years!! And this was after we saw OIKOLOGOUS on TV complaining about the increase of base station antennas. I appreciate your concern but instead of trying to spread panic among common people first research your topic and try to keep in mind that some people do not appreciate misinformation!! In order for telecommunication companies to start operating they must obey international standards. Furthermore ALL equipment used for GSM must also apply international standards. Engineers do not wake up one morning and start building machinery that will harm people!! And because I was curious how easy was to find info on this subject I copied the first piece I found on the internet concerning health hazards and base stations. “These cellular towers are the base stations for the cells that make up the coverage area for a cellular telephone network. Most of these towers are 50 to 200 ft tall with an antenna mounted on top. These antennas emit radiofrequency electromagnetic waves but at a level much lower than those associated with commercial radio and television stations. The radiofrequency energy these cellular antennas radiate has a power level similar to the energy emitted by common household light bulbs. The strength of these electromagnetic fields (EMFs) decreases rapidly with distance from the antennas and the exposures usually occur hundreds of feet away. In some locations around these facilities, the strength of these fields can decrease to almost undetectable levels at the site property line. Even the peak levels seen are thousands of times lower than the limits set for human exposure to radiofrequency EMFs. While the biological effects of exposure to much higher intensity radiofrequency fields have been somewhat determined, there is research presently underway to delineate what possible biological effects, if any, are linked to the low intensity exposures near cellular towers. Currently, there is no indication that chronic exposure to the EMFs around cellular sites has any potential to be hazardous to human health.”
  3. Katastimata Electroline se oles tis poleis kai katastimata Soundtech, Xatzimitsis mobiles se oles tis poleis. Entos tou Septevriou Katastima sti Kennety Lefkosia...Areeba
  4. Παρέμβαση Ρυθμιστή Όσον αφορά στις εκκρεμότητες που καθυστερούν τη δραστηριοποίηση του δεύτερου φορέα κινητής τηλεφωνίας, της Areeba, σε ολόκληρη την επικράτεια της ελεύθερης Κύπρου, από κοινού ΑΤΗΚ και Areeba έχουν αποφασίσει να ζητήσουν τελικά την μεσολάβηση του Ρυθμιστή. Χθες αναμενόταν να αποστείλουν κοινή επιστολή ζητώντας ρύθμιση. Το κυριότερο από τα θέματα στα οποία δεν τα βρήκαν είναι η τιμή της εθνικής περιαγωγής. Η Areeba θα έμπαινε κανονικά στην αγορά στις 12 Ιουλίου, αλλά φαίνεται πως η διαφημιστική της καμπάνια θα αρχίσει από Σεπτέμβρη, καθώς τον Αύγουστο η αγορά υπολειτουργεί. Ο Επίτροπος Ρύθμισης Τηλεπικοινωνιών, θα μπορούσε να είχε παρέμβει επιβάλλοντας ακόμα και ποινές από την καθυστέρηση επίτευξης συμφωνίας μεταξύ των δύο φορέων, αλλά φαίνεται πως λόγω του ότι η Κύπρος είναι ακόμα φρέσκια στα θέματα ελεύθερης αγοράς, άφησε τα πράγματα να ρυθμιστούν από μόνα τους. EPISIS I EPITROPI ANTAGWNISMOU PROVLEPETE NA KTUPISEI TIN CYTA ME VARU PROSTIMO LOGW TIS SUMFWNIAS POU EKLEISE ME TOUS 4 MEGALUTEROUS METAPOLITES UPIRESIWN KINITIS TILEFWNIAS GIA APOKLEISTIKI SUNERGASIA. ARXISAN TO ORGANAAAAA......
  5. Poli euxaristo na vriskeis Forum sxetika me ti douleia sou... Katarxin oso afora tis upiresies tis Areeba idi arxise i polisi prepaid sim apo tous metapolites. Exoun kalufthei oles oi megales poleis kai arketa xwria. Idi uparxoun sundromites (ektos apo to prosopiko) kai sunexizei akathekti i etairia. Diafimisi tha arxisei apo septemvri gia eunoitous logous (oloi vriskontai se adeies) an kai polloi idi arxisan na psaxnoun apo pou mporoun na agorasoun sim cards. Oso afora to national roaming, ekkremei apofasi tou Ruthmisti Tilepoikoinwniwn gia to poso tha xrewnei i Cyta mias kai oi arxikes times etsouzan para poli!! Kai ontos ta panta kratountai mustika mexri to megalo mpam!!!
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