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Everything posted by UNIQUE
Αυτοκινητιστικά Νέα / Δοκιμές / Συγκριτικά
UNIQUE replied to pininfarina's topic in My Cars and Bikes
Poly "kako":cool: -
As allaxoume thema.... Diegrapse ton fakelo DestinatorApps kai xanafortose ton XORIS na xanafortoseis ta Skin pou sou kanane thn zhmia. Pisteuo oti 8a paixei kanonika ;)
Ma den exei to diko mou :to internet :(
Emena den exei sto "connects to'' "The internet" para mono "My ISP" kai "My Work Network" aaa kai to "TIM Wap" pou eftiaxa ego....
Fille mou pes mou kati giati 8a trela8o me to wifi tou N560. As ta paroume apo thn arxh. Exo to N560 (opos katalabes) kai syndeome sto Internet meso BT me ena SonyEricsson K800i(me TIM plus non stop). To grafo auto gia na exigiso oti stis rythmiseis(Settings/connections/Network/advance) einai allagmeno to "Connect to" apo "My Isp" pou htan se "TIM Wap". Tora me wifi brisko Wifi hotSpot xekleidota (opos px Piraeus Port exei wifi eleuthero) kai prospatho na syndetho se auto alla...tzifos tpt kai oxi mono auto alla mou allazei kai tis rythmiseis ston Proxy tou "TIM Wap"... Mipos prepei na allazo to "TIM Wap" se "My Isp" ? To dokimasa kai auto alla pali tpt. Esy exeis kataferei na synde8eis se free Wifi hotspot?
mou kanei entyposh 1.pou einai anoixth 2.pou einai terastia...
Kai pos briskoume to actual link ??? An mporouses na exigiseis kai se mas touw asxetous.... thk u
Paidia geia sas Thelo na rotiso kaiti OffTopic(I know..) giati den vrisko thema gia to google.map Xerei kaneis ti einai auto pou fenete EDO ? einai sthn Kriti, N.Xanion, konta sto Ellafonisi... exo faei xontro kolima me to megethos tou... Gia na min sas po ti exo akousei apo osous to eidan sto grafeio:X :p Sorry gia to OffTopic
@ zepelin File mou geia sou kai pali:) H8ela na se rotiso kati Enas gnostos agorase apo Dubai ena GARMIN STREETPILOT C320 mporei na to ferei ekei kai na balei Destinator ? An nai pio Dest. pairnei ? thk u
Αυτοκινητιστικά Νέα / Δοκιμές / Συγκριτικά
UNIQUE replied to pininfarina's topic in My Cars and Bikes
to "500αράκι" ontos den to les omorfo, alla to autokinhto exei style (auto pou ekane alloste to Smart kai to Mini na xexorisoun giati oute to ena oute to allo einai omorfa, swsta?) Tora sthn Alfa 149 den katalabaino ti den sas aresei? Ego blepo ena poly dynamiko autokinhto, omorfo-asxhmo den exei shmasia, to gousto alloste einai ypokeimeniko. Gia thn koupe 1 ... dystyxos symfono -
Re paidia me ti "taxytita" syndeete to gps tou N560 sas? kai me ti protokolo NMEAor SIRF? ekana kai to kolpo apo to italiko site(pou eixe dosei o katj) alla sto Dest 6 syndeete mono eos NMEA_COM8_9600. An xerei kapoios something ...
Tote yphrxan ta "Εrricson service point" omos...kai oxi omnitech klp klp Se Εrricson service point eixan antikatastisei dorean ena t28 tou aderfou mou gia asimanto logo, opos kai ena R380(auto me thn othoni afis, progonos ton Pxxx) enos filou. Dystyxos alles epoxes...
File mou kale an kai off topic tha sou apantiso os exis: Eixa ena Nokia 6600 to opoio ekei pou milouses exane entelos to shma kai katepektasein kobotan h klhsh pou ekanes. to phga sthn Alphacopy (sthn Panteio konta) sta kentrika _giati se NokiaShop eixa thn empeiria ena Nokia 7110 na mou to dosoun piso meta apo 2 (DYO- nai ΔΥΟ) mhnes_ tous eipa ti eixe kai to afhsa... Thelis na ma8eis ti egine? Loipon meta apo alepalila telephonimata to N6600 to phra piso meta apo 1,5 mhna ( 45 hmeres) kai ta tsakalia tis Nokia mou eipan oti h syskeuh den exei tpt, nai den exei tpt kai htan problima diktyou, bebaia to tel exakolou8ouse na xanei to shma tou kathe ligo. Prosoxh tora, ekeinh thn epoxh ektos tou N6600 eixa kai ena Ericsson t39im pou eixa thn grammh thn eppagelmatikh mou(to N6600 htan h prosopikh grammh), kai sta dyo htan me syndesh TIM, to t39 den eixe xasei pote to shma tou to N6600 synexeia...8elo na po oti den htan problem apo to diktyo. Kai tora na se rotiso kati ego? Mporeis na mou breis posa mhnymata egrapsa ego gia to a8lio service tis NOKIA, poses fores sas proetrepsa na mhn xanagorasete apo authn thn etairia pou den sevete tous agorastes ths....psaxe oso thelis den 8a breis kanena, esto mporei na egrapsa ena, se hpious tonous alla oxi auto to XALI pou exei ginei edo mesa me ton "filo" mas Sorry gia to OFFTOPIC. aaa...kai sou euxome kai ego(opos alloste kai esy) na meineis 2 mhnes xoris kinhto na deis thn glyka...;)
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UNIQUE replied to Muck Smith's topic in Windows Mobile
iLauncher 3.0.03 Released What's new in this release: New Task Manager Features Added 'Close All But Current' command to Task Manager Allows you to close all programs except for the one running in the foreground when the task manager is launched. Added ability to turn on/off different sections (Minimize, Close, Close All, Close All But Current, the Desktop item, the Launch Menu, and the Command Bar) of Task Manager Each section of the Task Manager can be configured to display or not display. For instance, if you do not want the Launch Menu or Command Bar areas, you can turn these off. Same for all of the other commands. Added option to keep Task Manager open after closing an item or items. In the prior version, closing an application causes the Task Manager to be dismissed. Now, you can optionally keep Task Manager open after closing an application. Show icons on tab menus and launch menu Earlier versions of iLauncher did not display associated icons or custom images when displaying items in the Task Manager Launch menu, or in special tab menus. Now, each shortcut is displayed along with its image. Changed the height of the separator item in Task Manager Minor change to improve the look and feel of Task Manager, the separator items are now smaller in height than the other items. Added option to 'Show Task Manager' to with no dots on tap-and-hold The Task Manager can be configured to display on tap-and-hold with or without the animating dots. New images from Juni, including Desktop, Close All But Current, and updated Close, Close All, and Minimize images Several new and improved images from Juni! http://www.sbsh.net/forums/style_images/1/folder_mime_types/gif.gif CAPTURE_07022007_154705.jpg ( 57.62k ) Number of downloads: 13 Top Bar and Meter Bar Improvements Added 'On Today screen meter bar tap' options One feature requested several times was the ability to prevent the meter selection menu from appearing when tapping on the meter bar. I've taken this idea and extended it some. In iLauncher Options, under the 'Meter Settings' section, I've added a new option called: On Today screen meter bar tap. The available choices are: 1) Do nothing (Taps on the meter bar are ignored) 2) Show Meter Menu (This is the default behavior) 3) Show Task Manager 4) Show System Status (Shows the battery and memory dialog) 5) Launch Meter Bar Special Tab Shortcut (Launches a shortcut) There is a new special tab type that appears in the drop-list of available tabs in the Shortcuts section of iLauncher options called 'Meter Bar Tab'. You may add exactly one shortcut to this special tab. If you select this option, then this shortcut is launched when tapping on the today screen meter bar. http://www.sbsh.net/forums/style_images/1/folder_mime_types/gif.gif capture_07022007_204612.jpg ( 56.84k ) Number of downloads: 5 Added ability to lock the top-bar icon If you tap and hold on the top-bar shortcut, you will see a new menu option labeled: Lock Icon (Prevent Drag). If you select this, then you cannot ****dentally (or purposefully) move the icon with drag and drop. You can then bring up this menu and unselect this option if you want to move the icon again. Allow top-bar tab icon to be dragged all the way to the left or right You can now position the tab-bar icon all the way to the left or right as you desire. Image and Meter Handling 'Additional image path' functionality. Images here override anything in the default image directory Under 'General Settings' in iLauncher Options is a new option called 'Additional Image Path'. You can point this to any folder on your device. iLauncher will look first in this path for all images that are displayed, including settings button, scroll arrows, default meter bars, 'New' menu images, Task Manager images, and Special Built-in Command Shortcuts. The main advantage to use the additional image path over putting images in the default path is that these will not get overwritten when reinstalling or upgrading iLauncher. Not all images are required to be in the additional path. iLauncher will continue to use the default image if an image with the same name doesn't exist in the additional image path. Added settings button and up/down/left/right arrows to the images directory Prior to this release, not all images used by iLauncher were put into the default image path, so even though they could have been overwritten, it was difficult to find the appropriate file name or size. Now all of these images are included. Install images to install path rather than main memory Prior to this release, images were installed in the Program Files area in main memory. Now they are written to the installation directory. In the case where iLauncher is installed to main memory, this will be the same, but in the case where iLauncher is installed to a storage card, these images will also be installed there. This can dramatically cut down on the main memory requirements for the application. Install meters to install path rather than main memory The same thing for meters. http://www.sbsh.net/forums/style_emoticons/default/smile.gif Cleanup meters better on complete uninstall When completely uninstalling iLauncher, the meters directory is now more thoroughly cleaned up. Languages Added Spanish translation ¡Español! Added Russian translation Русский язык! Moved location of translation language from install directory to main memory A few bug reports were caused by installing the language DLL onto the storage card. Because sometimes iLauncher was ready before the storage card was, the text appeared in English. This is solved by installing the DLL into main memory. Miscellaneous Updated logic of iLauncherOKButton The iLauncherOKButton has been improved to better handle OK/X-Button-closes in more cases. Added new Tab Height option To make it easier to select tabs using your finger, I have added the ability to increase the height of tabs up to three times their default size. http://www.sbsh.net/forums/style_images/1/folder_mime_types/gif.gif capture_07022007_154623.jpg ( 76.52k ) Number of downloads: 7 Bug Fixes Fixed a bug causing a crash or system reset if the user hides all tabs, or deletes all non-hidden tabs Fixed bug causing wrong tab image to be displayed in some cases when tabs are marked as hidden Fixed softkey menu popup location When using the left and right softkey special tabs along with a popup menu, the menu would often appear in a random location. This has been fixed. perissotera: http://www.sbsh.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=15446 opoios to thelei F U L L ...xana PM me:D -
Opoios to thelei F U L L ...xerete, PM me:D
Mporoume sto Spb Weather na xrhsimopoihsoume san weather source to "The Weather Channel " ? An kapoios xerei....as mas pei plzzz
H teleutaia mou me to Spb Mobile Shell v1.0 http://img265.imageshack.us/img265/1016/capture07022007163240fl7.jpg
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UNIQUE replied to Muck Smith's topic in Windows Mobile
An to thelei kaneis F u l l ...pm me;) -
= mia epoxh H allios kapoio diasthma;)
Ta _pio polla_PPC pianoun apo 3-4 metea isos kai parapano me to noviiremote
...Dekembrios 1994, Ericsson 337 me DYO xronia symbolaio sthn TeleStet me pagio 12.000 drx/mhna, 160.000 drx metrhta. kai ego gia thn....douleia to h8ela:lol: :p :lol: :p p.s. Ta proigoumena dyo (Motorola MicroTac, Ericsson197) htan doro kai den ta eixa "niosei"!!!
Opa, re synhgore, mhn trelenese, kaneis den eipe na mhn syzhthsoume kapoio problima. To thema einai oti o filos mas den leei kati kainourio sta teleutaia 50-60 post tou para mono "mhn agorazete SE", entaxei, to kourase, enoxlei den to katalabainei... Edo mpenoume oloi mas na diabasoume kati kainourio, problima, anaba8misi, bug...otidhpote kai to mono pou diavazoume einai "mhn agorazete SE" kati pou prosopika den nomizo oti mou prosferei kati. Episis na sou 8imiso oti kai merikes selides pio prin eixe fanei oti enoxlounte polla meloi edo apo ta idia post. P.S. kaneis den apagoreuei se esena H ston filo mas na anoixei thema me titlo: "10 λόγοι για να ΜΗΝ προτιμήσετε το k800", OK?;)
Κοπελιά, να σε κερασω!!! Ναι, ρε φιλε μας(Nosferatu) το εχεις κουρασει πολυ, μα παρα πολυ το θεμα...με την "αθλια SE", φτανει, ελεος πια. Ενταξει, τραβας ζορι με το Κ800 σου, δεν ειναι ομως ολα σαν το δικο σου, εγω εχω αλλαξει 2 και κανενα δεν παρουσιασε το παραμικρο! Επισης, οτι και να παρεις (πχ ΝΟΚΙΑ S60) υπαρχει περιπτωση(πολυ μεγαλυτερη απο ενα SE) να σου βγει προβληματικο οπως ενος φιλου καινουριο ΝΟΚΙΑ S60 πιο πολυ το εχει στο service παρα στα χερια του, τι να κανοθμε αυτα συμβαινουν και θα συμβαινουν, ειναι να μην σου "κατσει" η προβληματικη συσκευη. φιλικα
Pos vlepoume ti "Cid" exei to kinhto mas?