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Everything posted by nikos78

  1. steile to mhnuma: mms#e sto 345 kai se 24 wres tha energopoihthoun ta mms. gia tis ruthmhseis tha sou stalei mhnuma apo thn tim to opoio apothikeueis. gia perissotera des sto http://www.tim.com.gr
  2. dustuxws polles leptomeries de mporw na dwsw giati to kalwdio einai filhs kai den to exw doulepsei katholou. apla an kapoios exei asxoleithei me to thema kai exei kapoia lush, tha'thela na thn akousw. pantws oi mones ports pou exei to pims einai oi com, enw h irda emfanizetai an exeis th suskeuh. still :confused:
  3. to kserw oti pio eukolo einai to serial cable, alla den exw kataferei na to brw pouthena. Anyway, twra exw usb cable. Mhpws uparxei kapoia idea pws leitourgei?!! :confused:
  4. help! uparxei kapoios tropos na doulepsei to EasyStudio gia to E700 me kalwdio usb? :confused:
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