Φοβερός!!!! To link είναι http://forums.androidcentral.com/google-nexus-4/336899-updated-how-re-enable-tethering-kitkat-new-method-t-mobile-without-root.html
Δεν χρειάστηκε πολλά πολλά, μόνο αυτό:
-In order to get to the APN menu, go to Settings -> More... -> Mobile networks -> Access Point Names.
-You will see a list of APNs similar to screenshot below. Tap on one of the T-Mobile title in the list to edit it's APN settings.
-While in the "Edit access point" window, in the field "APN", make sure you change the value from "epc.tmobile.com" to: fast.t-mobile.com
-Scroll down to the field "APN type", do not delete any of it's existing values, but add a comma "," and the value "dun".
Επειδή δεν με άφηνε να πειράξω το ενεργό της VODAFONE έφιαξα ένα καινούριο με μόνη διαφορά το dun και παίζει....