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Everything posted by nathanasoulas

  1. egw tha sou proteina to programma autolock (nomizw pws etsi legetai).poli kalo an se volevei na kleidwnei mono tou.egw den borw na to vazw stin tsepi mou kai na kserw oti meta apo ligo tha kleidwsei mono tou opote to kanw xeirokinita.....:)
  2. file kpartsi katevasa kai to neo pc suite kai exw service pack 2 alla enw angnwrizei to kinito kai paei na sindethei me gprs otan pata sindesei me internet sto pc suite mou,vlepw to kinito to sima oti energpoiei to gprs alla meta apo ligo svinei kai leei sto pc suite oti den sindethika epeidi ipirxe kapoio provlima me tis rithmiseis.to exw kanei kai aftomata epilegontas apo tin lista tin cosmote kai mi aftomata.Kserei kaneis stin cosmote ti rithmiseis thelei?i cosmote den dinei password kai username opote ta afinw kena.
  3. paidia boreite pls na mou peite giati den borw na sindethw me to pc mou sto net xrisimopoiwntas ws modem to kinito...? ti prepei na kanw?exw katevasei tin teleftaia ekdosi tou pcsuite apo to net opws mou eipate.kai mou leei oti oi rithmiseis einai lathos....ti na kanw??
  4. ithela afto to kinito epeidi itan poli pio grigoro apo to proigoumeno mou(3650).alla pisteva oti tha epaize ta n-gage xwris provlima.to provlima mou einai oti mou lene oti paizei orismena kai afto sto diko mou den ginetai.esi exeis valei kanena?
  5. an ennoeis ena pou legetai libs update to exw valei.alla kai pali tipota.skeftomai sovara na allaksw kinito.den einai katastasi afti.ksereis asymvivaste kanenan me 6630 pou na antimetwpizei to idio problem?
  6. epeidi den mou apantise kaneis sto parakatw to ksanastelnw...sorry alla thelw na kserw ti paizei giati i cosmote den borei na voithisei......:( paidia eseis me to pc suite boreite na sindetheite sto net me modem to kinito??egw an kai ola leitourgoun swsta to one touch access mou leei otan paw na sindethw pws kati lathos paizei me tis rithgmiseis.akomi piga na to valw manually alla ithelke password kai username pou den sou dinei i cosmote.eseis pws to kanete? Kai opoios exei kataferei na paiksei n-gage games sto 6630 na paei na apantisei an thelei sto erwtima pou ethesa EDW
  7. emena to tomb raider gia pardeigma pou evala sto 6630 den exei ston fakelo tou *.exe arxeio.ti paizei?mipws ftaiei afto kai den mou paizei genika?
  8. giati omws pio polla sto 6600? yparxei kati pou borw na kanw (kapoia anvathmisi se nokia shop ή na valw kapoio patch pou na ta trexei?) Efxaristw pou apantises toso grigora..;) ekei pou mou eipes leei gia to ashen kai to exw dokimasei kai den paizei kanei akrivws to idio pragma,paei na anoiksei kai meta me petaei sto menu.free memory mou leei to App man oti exw 9.3 einai kali?
  9. paidia exw 6630 kai exw katevasei sxedon ola ta n-gage games.ta egathistw me ton swsto (mallon) tropo eite me blzinstaller eite me to na ta aknw copy ston system folder.omws sxedon kanena den paizei....:( Exw kataferei na paiksw to splinter cell (to prwto),puyo pop,sonic,operation shadow....kanena alloo den paizei.to emfanizei sto menu ma molis pataw panw tou paei na anoiksei kai meta ksanaepanerxetai stin othoni tou menou. den kserw ti kanw lathos giati enas filos mou pou exei 6600 perase apo to pc mou ta paixnidia kai paizoun ola.Ti ftaei?Exw trelathei...pira to 6630 gia na borw na paizw kai n-gage games epeidi einai pio grigoro apo ta alla. Please re paidia voithiste me ta exw paiksei.......
  10. paidia eseis me to pc suite boreite na sindetheite sto net me modem to kinito??egw an kai ola leitourgoun swsta to one touch access mou leei otan paw na sindethw pws kati lathos paizei me tis rithgmiseis.akomi piga na to valw manually alla ithelke password kai username pou den sou dinei i cosmote.eseis pws to kanete? Kai opoios exei kataferei na paiksei n-gage games sto 6630 na paei na apantisei an thelei sto erwtima pou ethesa edw --> N-gage Games gia 6600
  11. re paidia evala ta service pack 2 alla twra enw evala kai tous cable drivers kai mou vrike to kinito,twra exw allo provlima.den borei na to vrei to nokia pc suite.to egatestisa apo to original cd.mipws ftaiei kati kai den einai poli kalo to programma apo to cd?na to katevasw kalitera apo to internet?Apo pou borw na to katevasw olokliro mazi kai me tous cable drivers? sto pc suite twra otan paw sto nokia connection manager mou emfanizei treis tropous sindesis.1 bluetooth, 2.iperithres, 3.seiriako stin opoia exei mesa tin com 4 i opoia einai mallon usb.parolafta oti kai na kanw den anagnwrizei kinito.ksanaegatestisa to pc suite kai pali ta idia.ti na kanw?sto control panel sto modem vlepei to nokia opote kati allo ftaiei pou den to vlepei to pc suite.... to kinito pali emfanizei meta apo tin egatastasi twn cable drivers ena simataki oti to exw sindesei stin othoni tou..ola fainontai na leitourgoun kanonika ektos apo to pc suie.
  12. efxaristw re paidia... tha sas pw ti egine to mesimeri giati twra exw na paw kai sto sxoleio. Indyjones xilia efxaristw
  13. file indyjones an borouses na to vreis esi an to exeis kai na mou to steileis i na mou steileis plirofories gia to pou tha to vrw tha imoun evgnwmwn.To email mou einai nathanasoulas@hotmail.com steile to programataki ekei se parakalw.exaristw.exw episis msn messenger.a[lws vale afto to mail an exeis kai esi. a kai kati allo.an exeis to cd servise pack 2 twn xp ka exeis kai to service pack 1 se allo cd boreis na valeis katefthian to service pack 2 xwris na valeis to 1?gia na kserw na min valw kai ta dio an den einai anagi. thanks in advance....
  14. file nervous akou pws exei.katevasa kai ton driver tou usb apo to link pou mou edwses kai paw na kanw tin egatastasi kai mou leei oti prepei na exw service pack 1 i neotero gia na leitourgisei.kai egw exw antegramena XP pou den ginetai na valeis Service pack ektos an einai afthentika.ti na kanw?mou fainetai paralogo na xreiazetai service pack.to oti exw Xp den ftanei?an vrei kaneis sas lisi na mou pei den kserw ti na kanw exw aganaktisei.
  15. nai alla den egine sto diko mou ti na sou pw.kai prwta ekana egatastasi to pc suite kai meta to sindesa.den peirazei to katevazw apo to net.efxaristw.
  16. pou einai sto cd?pes ton fakelo akrivws thanx
  17. file eggone telika ontws ftaiei i karta.den to katalavaineis an tin vgaleis alla me to pou tin vgaleis kai kaneis epanakinisi to kinito leitourgei teleia.gia pes mou pou to piges kai sou edwsan alli karta?tsaba to esteile i aderfi mou gia service. Eseis pou pirate tis kartes 256mb apo to play antimetwpizete tipota provlimata me to kinito?iparxei periptwsi eggone na antimetwpisoun argotera? kai kati akomi.ekana egatastasi sto pc mou to pc suite tou 6630 kai meta sindesa to kinito me to usb kai o ipologistis psaxnei gia driver tis usb siskevis alla den vriskei me autoscan.ti na kanw?to cd den exei drivers.eseis ti exete kanei?to vivliaraki leei pws an patiseis autoscan (recommended) tha to vrei kai tha sto egatastisei,alla den egine.ti na kanw?-vasika vrika sto nokia.com ena programma pou mallon tha to anagnwrisei to pc me afto.einai to nokia one touch access.swsta?
  18. den kserw ..an kserei kaneis pou ekane t3eleftaia na mou pei.prin ena mina ekane i aderfi mou pantws kai exei tin 3.45 paizei na exei neoteri ekdosi? de kserw an tha to paw akomi stin nokia epeidi perimenw na dw ti ekanan stis aderfis mou to kinito pou to exei steilei gia service.an to exoun ftiaksei tha to paw kai egw.pros to paron perimenw..... pantws afto pou eipes eggone gia tin karta mou fainetai asxeto giati apo tin stigmi pou tin evgazes tha eprepe na ftiaxnei (kata tin gnomi mou)oloi tis nokia einai asxetoi.......
  19. entaksei paidia pantws den kserw an ftaiei oti ekana kati egatastasi kai xalase dioti etsdi ksafnika xalase xwrs na valw programmata.opote proteineis na to paw pisw kai na allaksw mmc?kai ithela na parw apo to play mia 256mb.krima....iparxei kanena tilefono pou na borw na parw kai na milisw se kapoio tis nokia kai na einai sxetiko me to thema?esi eggone boreis na mou steileis se pm to noumero sou na se parw na se rwtisw gia afto? thanks
  20. exw kanei kai soft kai hard format kai den egine tipota.to exei pathei kaneis sas?ti lete eseis?
  21. re paidia exw spastei me to nokia 6630.To exei kai i aderfi mou kai xwris na vazei polles efarmoges ktl prin apo ligo kairo tis xalase to video kai den borouse na vgalei.sigekrimena elege "mi ipostirizomeni leitourgia".Telika to pige gia allagi kai twra kai to diko mou meta apo ena mina apo tote epathe akrivws to idio pragma. :mad: Ti na kanw?to exei pathei kaneis sas???? Exw valei kai tin 3.45 ekdosi kai meta apo tote pou tin evala emfanise to provlima..........
  22. re paidia kserei kaneis sas pou boroume na vroume ngage paixnidia pou na leitourgoun?exw katevasei arketa apo ena site ma mono 3 paizoun....:( peite eseis pou ta vriskete....tha dokimasw kai apo irc simera na dw an paizoun.. an exei kaneis sas se cd kai endiaferetai na ta kanei mia copia kai na mou ta steilei taxidromikws i na sinantithoume kai na tou dwsw egw programmata na mou steile pm. efxaristw:)
  23. kala ola alla paixnidia gia to mgs 2 pou tha vroume?exw ena me kart kai ena allo me billiardo tipota parapanw...
  24. paidia to parakatw minima einai sta aglika epeidi to esteila kai se ena kseno forum prwta kai variomoun na to ksanagrapsw..... Hallo!I have a Nokia 6630 and I have downloaded some ngage roms from this site. I have some problems though and i dont know why. Most of the games don't start even though that they appear in the menu screen. Here is what exactly i do to install them. I unzip all files from the zip/rar file to another folder.In the folder there are,the system folder,and some files like ngage.nfo and another one called debuger.I only copy the system folder and paste it in my MMC root directory. Then I insert it in my phone and it appears in the menu.but once I press the joystick to open the file most of the times the games dont open or the starting ngage screen apperas and then it closes the game. I know that I can play the games on the 6630 because I have already installed Splinter cell,Sonic,Puyopuyo,MblSlam,super monkey ball and operation shadow. But the other games do the thing I just described.The games i have tested and dont work are urban asphalt,Ashen,Sims and others. Can you please help me how to install them because I know I'm doing something wrong... And another problem I have is that the TombRaider game (also downloaded from here) is an .blz file and when I put it to the main directory of the mmc as I open the blzinstaller it doesn't shows it to install it.What can i do here? thanks for your attention...pls help! An boreite na voithisete apantiste.
  25. Wirelessly posted (Nokia6630/1.0 (3.45.113) SymbianOS/8.0 Series60/2.6 Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1) Re paidia poso kanoun oi prosopseis gia to 6630?
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