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About petrosfeelin

  • Ημ. Γέννησης 26/08/1978

petrosfeelin's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. και εγω λεω να παρω ενα ipaq 2210. ποιο πληκρολογιο προτεινετε?
  2. ευχαριστω για την αμεση απαντηση σου (αν μου επιτρεπεις να σου μιλαω στον ενικο?) γνωριζεις αν το penreader ειναι αρκετα γρηγορο? το εχεις χρησιμοποιήσει? εγω ναι οχι για ipaq ομως και ηταν πολυ αργο, τοσο που δεν αξιζει να το δουλευεις
  3. may mail you may contact me is justforsub@yahoo.com
  4. is the pen reader software for greek recognition fast enough? i have used it on other devices and it is very slow. it takes 1 second per letter. it there anyone who can help me on this? i want to buy an ipaq 2210 but i am a fast user when i write and i cant wait a second per letter!!!
  5. hi can you help me with an ipaq 2210? regarding the perneader software? thank you my mail is justforsub@yahoo.com
  6. hi, do stil use an ipaq 2210? i want to get one and i would like to ask you a couple of questions. first is the pen reader software fast enough to write? also can you write in greek on the bottom fields for numbers capitals and small letters or you write latin letters?
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