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Everything posted by Verdin

  1. anebazw twra ola ta progs sthn selida mou... dior8wnw to html kai 8a einai ola dia8esima sthn selida pou uparxei katw katw se ka8e post mou apo shmera to apogeuma...
  2. Saber... sigoura o kwdikos den einai ta genne8lia sou h' to onoma ths kopelas pou goustareis 8anasima? :) ;) :P
  3. den 3erw pws mporeis na to 3ekleidwseis file Saber... mia prwth skepsh... (kati pou 8a to ekana proswpika gia na mhn kourazw polu polu to mualoudaki mou) einai na flashareis full version to original firmware ths voda (oxi me "allages mono"). apo ekei kai pera olo kai kapoio code-breaker 8a uparxei sto avi-stuff kai sto samsung-stuff. ri3e mia matia.
  4. file skydreamer... fusika kai mporeis... akribws gia auto suzhtame edw mesa olon auto to kairo... se parakalw diabase oles tis selides... kane track down kai download ta aparaithta progs kai bres to kalwdio.... kai meta edw eimaste gia na se odhghsoume sthn voda-apeleu8erwsh... :)
  5. Vre vre neo aima sthn parea..... kalws hr8ate paidia. Apologoume gia thn apousia mou alla epese polu polu douleia kai etoimazomai kai gia dikopes... file derf... prwta mia erwthsh... ti enoeis oti sthn agglia to dinoun kleidomeno? o kwdikos ti 3ekleidwnei? ti epipleon leitourgies sou epitrepei? to problhma sou me thn donhsh einai polu polu eukolo... kapou sthn 6 kai 7 selida nomizw esteila peripou 50 me 60 ringtones ta opoia exoun hxo kai donhsh tautoxrona... apla ta kaneis download sthn suskeuh sou me to easy GPRS kai to problhma sou lu8ike. Epishs o sakis9 exei kanei polu kalh douleia me ringtones ta opoia exoun tautoxronh donhsh. uparxoun progs ta opoia sou epitrepoun na diamorfoseis to mmf sou opws 8eleis... na baleis to led na anabosbhnei kai to thlefwno na doneite sumfwna me kapoia apo ta organa pou akougontai sto ringtone.
  6. prwta omws 8elw na alla3w to bar menu.... giati ta numerakia sta de3ia mou spane ta neurakia.... xrwma xrwma xrwma...... koita na deis pou ta kataferame siga siga. Pisteua oti eixame kolusei stis xamhles analuseis....!!! bre ti sou einai h texnologia!!!!!!!!!!!1
  7. oups... biastika na apanthsw.... den 3erw akribws alla auto pou exoume twra xrhsimopoiei polu liga xrwmata... 8a prospa8hsw na to mod-arw kai 8a sou pw ti ekana merika resamples, optimization filters, color depth reduses and soften filters 8a mas kanoun thn douleia pou 8eloume :)
  8. sou to esteila se rar kai einai gurw sta 900Kb... to limit pou exeis einai 1Mb. giati einai megalutero?
  9. edw bareses diana... to Easy GPRS den anagnwrizei ellhnikous xarakthres... elpizame na dior8w8ei auto me thn nea ekdwsh alla tipota.... mas exoune psilogrammenous.
  10. Fusika opws panta... h analush sto s3 einai polu kaluterh apo authn sto preview
  11. Saki ekana to .s3 upload sthn selida sou... alla mallon prepei na egkrineis thn emfanish tou sto briefcase
  12. To prwto mou mod gia to italiko firmware... metatrepw to page menu se auto pou exei to E710... Perissotera xrwmatakia gia na mhn bariomaste... deite to preview sto sunhmeno arxeio gia na deite an sas aresei gia na to katebasetai... to .s3 8a einai dia8eshmo sthn selida tou Saki (pathfinder) kai sthn selida mou pou 8a thn breite sto katw meros ka8e post mou... 8a alla3w kai to bar menu... preview page.rar
  13. Loipon, exoume kai leme... gia na kaneis back up ta thlefwna sou prepei na akolou8hseis sugkekrimenh diadikasia giati alliws DEN... Sto Easy GPRS epilegeis sto "phonebook menu" na blepeis tis kataxwriseis ths mnhmhs SIM. tis epilegeis tis kaneis copy kai paste sto PC slot toy menu. Meta epilegeis wste na blepeis tis kataxwriseis ths mnhmhs tou thlefwnou... tis epilegeis, tis kaneis copy kai paste sto PC slot tou menu. Meta epilegeis na blepeis mono tis kataxwriseis pou exeis sto PC slot... blepeis an einai kataxwrhmenes oles... dior8wneis mikrola8akia logw ths diadikasias copy-paste kai eisai etoimos na kaneis export... an exeis epipleon apories.... let me know
  14. Auto einai to kalwdio (Kalwdio ) SAMSUNG Readies a 3.2megapixel Digital Camera Phone for Launch - Adopts a 3X optical linear zoom in a camera phone for the first time in the world. - Perfectly customized digital camera features in a mobile phone - Records more than 2 hours of images and supports a direct TV-OUT function.
  15. to oti prepei na kaneis back up to original exei anafer8ei para polles fores mesa sto thread. exoun do8ei odhgies eidika gia auto... to kalwdio uparxei sto plaisio
  16. Gm@t xronia sou polla gia thn Pempth... na ta ekatostiseis.
  17. eftia3a sta petaxta mia web selidoula gia na katebasete thn metafrash tou januka guide pathste edw
  18. Gm@t prospa8w na sou steilw ena mail me thn metafrash tou italikou guide gia to Januka (928Kb) alla den ftanei se esena exeis kanena allo mail account?
  19. kamia diafora... 8a eleg3w kai thn diaxeirhsh tou phonebook isws me ellhnika... alla den pisteuw oti 8a brw kapoia diafora... Gm@t koita3e ligo to mail sou.
  20. prospa8hsa tonjava uploader alla tzifos. h' apla eimai xazos kai den mporw na katalabw thn diadikasia
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  22. Exeis la8os entupwsh... den 3erw Germanika.... alla exw to Systran translator. Opote parte thn metafrash tou tools apo to samsung stuff... mobile music polyphonic info. ¶tool to the production of mmf, midi etc. bell tones.¶by j4nne$…¶Size - ¶Date 21.06.2004 ¶Downloads 326 ¶Evaluation 8,25 ¶[ detail ] [ Download ] ¶IRCOMM2k info. IrCOMM2k-1.2.1…¶Size - ¶Date 02.05.2004 ¶Downloads 267 ¶[ detail ] [ Download ] ¶JADMaker info. ¶This JAD Maker generated, like the name already says, missing * jad files for your * to jar files.¶Thank you at "mark looking" for the entry....¶Size - ¶Date 23.04.2004 ¶Downloads 436 ¶[ detail ] [ Download ] ¶Java XXXX Uploader info. ¶Here now also with us the Uploader, for transferring Java Midlets by serial data cables WITHOUT Flash procedure.¶Thank you to the Member of the AVI of forum…¶Size - ¶Date 18.04.2004 ¶Downloads 1733 ¶Evaluation 1,50 ¶[ detail ] [ Download ] ¶E700 firmware Dumper (Backuper) info. ¶Here we have finally a Tool, with which one can select and on the non removable disk store its firmware of the E700.¶Great Thanx ton of "Januka"…¶Size - ¶Date 15.04.2004 ¶Downloads 689 ¶Evaluation 2,00 ¶[ detail ] [ Download ] ¶* jad file generator info. ¶For all, to which to * the jar file the suitable * jad file is missing, this JADgenerator is exactly the correct…¶Size - ¶Date 07.04.2004 ¶Downloads 388 ¶[ detail ] [ Download ] ¶YAMAHA - Tool info. ¶Here a alternate provide Tool to * the mmf.¶Very simple operation…¶Size - ¶Date 25.03.2004 ¶Downloads 942 ¶Evaluation 1,00 ¶[ detail ] [ Download ] ¶IMEI Patcher info. ¶A IMEI Changer for the Samsung Handy's:¶A300, A800, C100, E100, E400, E700, N500, N600, N620, P100, P400, Q100, Q200, S100, S200, S300, S300M, S500, T100, T400, T500, V100, V200, X100, X400 thank you to the GSM forum…¶Size - ¶Date 23.03.2004 ¶Downloads 328 ¶[ detail ] [ Download ] ¶ToolBox.¶5 info. ¶With these Toolbox kannman very many changes with its Samsung Handy make.¶It is suitable for many models.¶But absolutely!!¶CAUTION!!¶With this Tool one can faster which broken make than one is dear....¶Size - ¶Date 23.03.2004 ¶Downloads 681 ¶[ detail ] [ Download ] ¶Java compiler info. ¶With this Tool one can transfer finally Java Midlets by means of data cables and Downloader to the Handy.¶Owing to goes to holypipe.¶Guidance is with…¶Size - ¶Date 21.03.2004 ¶Downloads 1131 ¶[ detail ] [ Download ] ¶Vib and LED plus.¶1,42 info. ¶With Vib and LED plus can flash their vibration and LED your * mmf files to cause....¶Size - ¶Date 19.03.2004 ¶Downloads 1044 ¶Evaluation 1,00 ¶[ detail ] [ Download ] ¶USB DEVICE Driver info. ¶The USB DEVICE driver serves for connects the Handy's with the PC by means of a USB - to data cable…¶Size - ¶Date 19.03.2004 ¶Downloads 748 ¶Evaluation 7,00 ¶[ detail ] [ Download ] ¶
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