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Everything posted by mplampla

  1. TO start BROWSE ALL SETTINGS AND TAKE SCREEN SHOT OR WRITE THEM DOWN: set your ip address on your pc to 192.168.1.x (x= a number except 1) load internet explorer open the page username and password are Admin (capital A) Then run the url go to the url and take the link to the firmware upgrade file, change your ips to automaticaly as before and download the file to your computer. again set your ip address on your pc to 192.168.1.x (x= a number except 1) load internet explorer open the page username and password are Admin (capital A) and run the and browse to the upgrade file. Set up AGAIN ALL THE SETTINGS YOU WROTE DOWN BEFORE.
  2. 1.Paidia mono me upgrade tou logismikou tou modem tha doulepseis alla den tha to riskara na to kano... 2. To wirelless 3eklidonei apla epidi exoune klidomeno to router den douleuei mporei omos na xrisimopoiithei san access point! an exete allo wireless router :lol: 3. Tha dokimaso kati allo pou pisteuo oti mporei na to kanei na doulepsei kai tha sas enimeroso :) an ginete :D
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