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Everything posted by elias11

  1. Καλησπερα, Μια βασικη διαφορα μεταξυ BB και αλλα smartphones ειναι η παρακατω. Στο BB το email προωθειται μονο οταν πραγματικα υπαρχει email. Aυτο δεν γινεται οταν εχεις μονο data plan πρεπει να`χεις και BIS. Η ικανοτητα του BB να συνδεεται με το Network Op. Center ( NOC ) μεσω BIS μεταφραζεται σε συμπιεση δεδομενων ( λιγοτερα Mb και eλαχιστη καταναλωση μπαταριας. τα windows η αλλα smartphones χρησιμοποιουν το HTTP protocol και πρεπει να συνδεονται καθε λιγο και λιγακι με τον server για να δουν αν υπαρχει email. Φυσικα μπορεις να δωσεις εντολη να σου φερνει τα email καθε 5 η 10 η ακομα καθε 1 λεπτο, αλλα θα πρεπει παντα να κανει over-the-air activesync το οποιο σημαινει συνδεση/αποσυνδεση με server ( ασκοπη καταναλωση Mb ) και ασκοπη καταναλωση μπαταριας. Παντα φιλικα, Ηλιας BlackBerry By using an Network Operating Center (NOC), the BlackBerry method represents the most battery and data efficient method for push email. In a lay person’s term, the email is forwarded to your BlackBerry by the RIM-operated NOC only when there is email. And even then, only the first chunk of email is sent. In the absence of email, nothing at all happens, and your BlackBerry behaves much like a normal mobile phone. As you can imagine, unless you receive a hundred emails an hour, enabling push email on the BlackBerry does not normally result in any noticeable reduction in battery life. RIM is able to do that because of your BlackBerry registers itself with your Telcompany, which forwards the information on to the RIM NOC. The result is that the NOC now knows exactly where to forward your emails to. This is also the reason why a normal data plan is not adequate to give you BlackBerry email services. Windows Moble On the other hand, the push email employed by Windows Mobile uses the HTTP protocol. Imagine typing an URL into your Web browser and then hitting “Enter”. Instead of a response coming in right away, imagine your Smartphone doing that and then waiting instead for up to 8 minutes (default). If nothing happens, the Smartphone does it again just to make sure that the connection is still up. If there is an email though, your Windows Mobile Smartphone will get a response. At this point, your WM Smartphone will perform an over-the-air activesync to retrieve it. Since your WM Smartphone talks directly to your server, no NOC is necessary, nor any involvement on the Telcompany level beyond the availability of a normal data connection. Battery life is shortened however, due to the constant need to connect to the server even if there is no email.
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