Σε ερώτηση μου για το service μου είπαν αυτά.
A lot of questions have been popping up on international warranty validity if you move from one country to another, so here's a breakdown:
1. Purchased in Country A (that has a 12 month warranty) and moved to Country B (that has a 24 month warranty) => follow the original purchase country warranty, that is 12 months.
2. Purchased in Country C (that has a 24 month warranty) and moved to Country D (that has a 12 month warranty) => follow the original purchase country warranty, that is 24 months.
3. Purchased in Country E (that has a 12 month warranty) and moved to Country F (that has no warrant coverage) => please contact HTC service center in other countries such as the USA, United Kingdom, Singapore & Hong Kong.
Ποιά είναι η γνώμη σας?Λέτε αν χαλάσει και μιλήσουμε με την htc Αγγλίας να μας γράψει..?Εφόσον είναι htc αυτοί δεν δέχονται να το επισκευάσουν?