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Εγώ αυτό που 8εωρώ το σημαντικότερο μεινονέκτημα της Samsung είναι η τραγική για εμένα αξιοπιστία των κινητών της. Έχω το Ε800 1.5 χρόνο και το έχω παέι για service 4 φορές. Γνωρίζω άλλα 4 άτομα που είχαν Samsung και άλλαξαν εταιρία επειδή το κινητό τους χάλασε (κλασικό πρόβλημα η οθόνη). Καταπληκτικό κινητό το D600 αλλά ελπίζω να αντέξει πολύ παραπάνω απο τους προκατόχους του.
Paidia, vlepw sto antistoixo thread sto myphone alla kai se alla sites oti h timh SAR rou K750i einai pio xamhlh apo thn 0.99 pou dinei h Sony Ericsson sto site (deite to antistoixo pdf). Mhpws xerei kaneis giati symbainei auto?
Oxi, genika den isxyei ayto.Exartatai apo ton typo kai thn xwrhtikothta ths mpatarias (h sygkekrimenh exei xwrhtikothta 800 mAh kai einai typou Li-Ion) alla kai apo thn katanalwsh tou ekastote kinitou: othoni,elegxos shmatos,miroepexergasths k.t.l. Profanws an eixe kai auta pou les tote den tha kratouse parapanw apo 10 wres.Emena exei tyxh na krathsei h mpataria 14 wres me apisteyth xrhsh vevaia.Pantws einai ena shmantiko meionekthma h aytonomia tou E800.
Gia auto sou lew file millis oti einai thema goustou: 1) FM Radio eixa sto Nokia 8310 kai de lew einai kalo stoixeio alla prepei oloi na xeroume oti ta akoustika-handsfree leitourgoun ws keraia gia to radio(to leei to idio to manual) pragma to opoio den xerw kata poso einai kalo gia thn ygeia mas.MP3 player kai psifiakh exw opote den to thewrw aparaithto,opws epishs kai to bluetooth. 2)O,ti sygkrish kai na kanoume metaxy Samsung kai Sony-Ericsson h pragmatikothta einai oti h Samsung einai no3 se pwlhseis kinhtwn pagkosmiws enw h Sony-Ericsson no5 3)To K700i einai ena poly kalo kinito to opoio exw dei apo konta kai mou arese arketa.To User Interface einai kataplhktiko opws kai h syndesimothta tou kinitou.Htan h 2h epilogh mou dioti protimhsa to mikro megethos,to design kai thn axiopistia twn Samsung. 4)Kai vevaia den einai K700i vs E800 alla apo thn arxh exw dei oti exeis arxisei mia tetoia sygkrish thn opoia thewrw lathos giati to kathe kinito apeuthynetai se diaforetiko target group.Einai profanes oti to k700i einai poly kalytero se dynatothtes apo to E800 alla o kathenas epilegei ayto pou tou tairazei kalytera. 5)Oson afora thn mpataria tou E800 pisteyw oti apotelei isws ena apo ta meionekthmata tou kinhtou giati emena toulaxiston mou krata 2-3 meres me metria xrhsh kai diktyo Cosmote.
File millis mporei h kamera na einai elafrws xeiroterh apo tou E700, yparxei exei omws flash, to opoio einai apeirws kalytero apo to antistoixo tou K700i. Egw pisteyw oti einai thema epiloghs tou kathenos ti thelei apo ena kinhto.Mporei se themata UI interface h Samsung na einai pio pisw apo thn Sony-Ericsson alla den prepei na ksexname ta arketa kollimata tou k700i,thn mikrh diarkeia mpatarias kai thn metria poiothta kataskeyhs pou exei.Egw pantws mexri stigmhs eimai euxaristhmenos apo to E800.Oso gia thn timh skepsou thn timh pou eixan ta Nokia 8210 kai 8310 otan prwtovghkan kai tis "ftwxes" leitourgies pou eixan gia tote.
Paidia otan vazoume thn epilogh Unicode tote mono grafoume mexri 70 xarakthres kai mporoume na grapsoume ellhnikous xarakthres me mikra.An den epilexoume Unicode grafoume kanonika 160 ellhnikous xarakthres me kefalaia omws.
MP3 den pairnei.Nai, me to kalwdio mporeis na antallaxeis dedomena me to pc. Enallaktika xrhsimopoieis tis yperythres.
H timh SAR gia to E800 einai 0.32 !!! To exw fortisei hdh 2 fores kai twra eimai sthn 3h.Tis 2 prwtes krathse 10-12 wres.Molis to phra to fortisa kateytheian gia 10 wres kai parathrhsa oti h stathmh ths mpatarias den xekinhse apo thn arxh.Mipws eprepe prwta na xefortisw thn mpataria teleiws? Einai logiko omws h mpataria na einai hdh fortismenh?
Egw paidia exw na pw oti na men einai akrivo alla einai poly kalo. H othoni tou einai teleia, o mhxanismos kylishs foveros , to design apaikto(opoios to dei apo konta tha katalavei), to menou poly kalo kai h poiothta kataskeyhs tou koryfaia.Monadiko arnhtiko tou shmeio ews twra einai h mpataria tou , h opoia krataei 10-12(!) wres vevaia me poly gerh xrhsh kai diktyo Cosmote. File millis esena poso sou krataei h mpataria?
Geia xara paidia. To kinito to agorase h aderfh mou afou egw thn epeisa na to parei. Einai poly kalo.Oi othones tou(eswterikh kai exwterikh) einai oi gnwstes poly kales ths Samsung.To menu einai kainourio kai poly euxrhsto.H camera(analysh VGA) einai to idio kalh me ayth tou E700.Ayto pou omws me entypwsiase perissotero einai oti me 307 euros(Plaisio) pairneis ektos apo to kinhto, 2(!) mpataries(thn kanonikh kai thn slim), fortisth taxidiou kai ena yperoxo handsfree(ola auta sthn syskeuasia!).
Kai egw paidia pisteyw oti einai apo ta pio omorfa kinhta pou exoun vgei kai an krinw apo thn poiothta kai tis dynatothtes tou E-700 , tha xalasei kosmo. Elpizw mono na mhn exei idiaitera ypsilh timh kai na exei xamhlo SAR.