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Everything posted by Marketer
I an kapios exei auto winders, einai mia thiki pou exei ena mixanismo kai kinei to/ta rologia gia na min ksekourdizontai, ara den exoun pote provlima kai mporeis na ta foreseis opote theleis xwris na kourdizeis kai na setareis ora kai imerominia.
Kalitera den tha mporousa na to thesw, einai isws i kaliteri sira kai lakonika!!!
Sxetika me ta Panerai, egw den tha eperna pote ena DITHEN Italiko roloi, opou dithen exei mia Italiki Istoria, kai foraei Unitas mixanismo ton 80 dolariwn!!! Lew dithen giati kapote ta Panerai ftiaxnotan stin florentia (Firenze) apo mastores me ar....dia, eno twra einai ola stin elvetia se grami paragwgis, kai antiprosopevoun mia istoria pou pia den exoun, kai exasan. I Unitas i mixani kanei 80 dolaria, tipota simantiko kai fovero, me 500 euros parneis mia replica pou kai auti exei Unitas mixani kai DEN katalavaineis kamia diafora exei mexri kai to swan neck kai tis mple vides. Prin 6 xronia to Pam 111 eixe 2,700 euros lianiki timi xwris ekptwsei, giati na dwso 4,200 simera gia to I D I O roloi, pou exei xasei kai tin Italiki tou maestria????
Kai esi pou to ksereis me tetia sigouria??? Egw sou lew oti apokliete na erthei toso grigora, egw to vlepw mallon gia telos Ianouariou!
i TIM exei merika komatia, apo simera, parte tilefono na mathete se pia katastimata exoun!
FORMAT :) kane ena back up kai kanta OLA format, kai tin siskevh kai tin DV-RS MMC
To 3230 einai fovero :w00t: , to n90 einai san mia fotografiki mixani thelei kai setarisma gia na vgalei swsti photo! Gia koita to ligaki, apokliete na min ginontai kalitera ta pragmata. Exei kai white balance pou tha se voithisei perisotero stin aporofish tvn xrwmaton.
Egw ta parageila mavri prosopsi kai pliktrologio, me $19 :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: mazi me metaforika apo edw!
Auto einai diko sou??? Sti photo eisai esei??? Giati den exw katalavei, ti ennoeis ena apo ta agapimena sou, dld pou tha itheles na kaneis sto idio meros kai to idio sxedio me tin photo??? i pou idi exeis??? Me ena lepto diafora sto post den to prolava!
Ρε φιλε??? χμμμ??? τεσπα, Μπορει να μην διαφωνουμε εν τελει, εγω αποφευγω να κανω ΤΡΕΛΗ ηλιοθεραπεια, διοτι ο ηλιος πλεον ψηνει και εμενα και τα tatoo, το χειμωνα/καλοκαιρι SOLARIUM δεν κανω, η δουλεια μου δεν ειναι μοντελο, και ΠΡΟΣΩΠΙΚΑ το θεωρω gay, για ενα αντρα 30 χρονων να ειναι μαυρισμενος δεκεμβριο μηνα. Ευχομαι να μην σε προσβαλουν τα σχολια μου, ειναι προσωπικη μου αποψη και δεν περιμενω απο κανεναν να εχει την ιδια.
Tattoo Healing Για να ξερουμε μια και καλη τι πρεπει να κανουμε, στο αγαπημενο μας ολοκαινουργιο εργο τεχνης που θα εχουμε πανω μας για την υπολοιπη ζωη μας! During a tattoo the skin secretes fluid forming droplets on the surface. If the blood particles in the fluid dry on the surface they stick on the surface looking like little black specs. If allowed to remain they adhere strongly and other damaged cells and particles accumulate, they dry and begin scab formation. Scabbing prolongs the healing process because epithelial cells must grow beneath this heavy burden scab to seal the skin. Eventually though the skin will heal in spite of the obstacles created. Presuming minimal physical damage to the skin, the speed of healing is related to the amount of moisture in the area. The three top rated healing ointments are Bacitracin Zinc, A & D Ointment and Petroleum. It is the petroleum in these products that produces the best healing speed because it makes the skin occlusive. Occlusive means neither water nor air can penetrate to the skin surface. The skin responds to an occlusive condition by providing moisture to the area internally providing the ultimate healing condition. When a tattoo is just finished there is generally no oozing (exudate) and the surface is relatively dry (an indication that the procedure did not excessively damage the skin). When a petroleum product is applied (an occlusive condition is created) droplets of fluid will begin to appear because the body is producing exudate. Exudate is necessary to create an environment which stimulates rapid wound healing. By allowing the area to dry (which we should not), the beneficial cells are removed, cells dry, necrose and even serve as a bacteria medium. A wound maintained in a moist environment with exudate has a lower infection rate than a wound which is dry. Because this mechanism of the body was not understood it was thought petroleum caused ink to leave the skin. Today we know this is not true. Three or four days is required for new epidermal cells to grow across the surface. Damaged cells will float on the top of the new cells until removed. Light amounts of petroleum or moisturizing lotions should be continued for another week but Bacitracin, Bepanthol and general antibiotic/antibacterial creams if used, should not be used for more than 3 or 4 days. The constant application of antibacterials is not necessary to avoid infection. Antibacterial products actually interfere with the wound healing process. An ideal procedure, immediately after the tattoo is finished, would include applying a petroleum based ointment and watching the area for oozing and droplet formation instead of bandaging and sending the client away. If the droplets that ooze to the surface are pink they should be dabbed off carefully, or the area lightly rubbed periodically to prevent platelet and dead cell buildup. Removing those little black specs as soon as they appear will speed subsequent healing. This should be repeated until no pink oozing is seen and the area is clear colored. Now the client has a good chance for fast healing. After this, the ointment should be applied heavily enough to look shiney. Too thin and the surface will dry and prolong healing. Ointment applying and plastic wrapping for the shower or sleeping for a few days will help protect the tattoo under adverse conditions. Procedures that recommend immediate bandaging and being left on for several hours and then the area washed, or washed every day are not conducive to speedy healing. This is not best practice. Bandaging is necessary if the area may be irritated or exposed to foreign matter. Washing interferes and prolongs healing but should be done if dead cells have accumulated on the surface. Allowing the tattoo to accumulate dead cells and other necrotic matter for 8 or 24 hours is counter-productive to healing speed and will then require washing to remove as much of the dead material as possible. Good tattoo technique will produce preliminary healing in 3-4 days and should not be attributed to any new miracle healing preparation we have discovered or been sold, but to the healing abilities of the skin, the good tattoo technique of minimal damage and good aftercare with a petroleum product. There are plenty of promoters of "miracle" new healing preparations who want to separate you from your money. Reactions to antibacterial ointments look like small pimples around the area of application in which case the ointment should be discontinued and a moisturizer applied until healed. There are many different procedures followed for tattoo healing that have been used for years by different artists. Any one could be argued for based on individual testimony and experience: "their customers healed." The reason for the healing is often attributed to the wrong cause because there is no understanding of the healing process of the skin and what produces more ideal conditions for repair. The explanation above does not rule out any other favored procedure. It should be kept in mind that it is the skin itself that does the work of repair, not us, and will repair itself, sooner or later, not because we are doing or using x, y or z, but in spite of the challenges we present to the skin. Thank Goodness for that.
Mipws tha mporouses na mou peis to path sto Fexplorer pou einai to hide folder??? Dioti den mporw na to vrw.
Ektos tou oti exw dokimasei arketa vazakia apo tin sigekrimeni alifh, ean diavaseis mia erevna i ena vivlio gia tin istoria ton Tattoo's tha deis oti prin 300 xronia stin Ameriki evazan to idia sistatika pou exei i sigekrimeni krema, kai prin 500 xronia stin Iapwnia episeis to idio. Diavaste prosektika tin selida pou parethesa kai tha deite. NATURAL HEALING!!! Mporeite na ksekinisete apo auta http://www.tattooartist.com/books.html egw exw arketa vivlia ean thelei kapios na danistei poli euxaristws. Please PM.
Η καλητερη και η ιδανικη αλοιφη για Tatoo's ειναι http://tattoogoo.com/ , ολα τελειωνουν εδω, ειναι η καλητερη και πιο αναγνωρισμενη στον κοσμο! Οτι σας λενε στα μαγαζια που κανετε ειναι αερολογιες, διαβαστε και θα δειτε.
Εχουμε και λεμε, διοτι μολις βρηκα και πιο καλη επιλογη μιας και δεν υπαρχει availability (in stock στο L8 shop) το mobilefun, αυτο εχει πολλα καλουδια, μεχρι και ΑΛΗΘΙΝΟ φυτο που μπορεις να το εχεις μαζι σου, στο κινητο σου :alien: :cry: :alien: Μπορειτε να το βρειτε ΕΔΩ
Meta apo diavasma 7 selidwn mono gia ena paixnidi apofasisa gia to kalo mou na min egatastisw to Super Miners. Diavazw kai nomizw oti exete aithistei sto sigekrimeno paixnidi, pragma pou tha simvei kai se mena sigoura ean to kseknisw, kai DEN thelw na xasw ton ipno mou. Otan tha paw kanena megalo taksidi tha to skeftw...:)
Καλο θα ηταν να μην το τολμησεις εαν δεν εισαι authorised Nokia dealer, διοτι κατι στραβο να παει θα χασεις την εγγυηση σου που ειναι 2 χρονια και ειναι κριμα! Αυτο που μπορεις να κανεις ειναι να πας την συσκευη σου σε ενα authorised Nokia dealer, (Concept Store ή Nokia Shop), και εκει να στην αλλαξουν! Στην Αλεξανδρουπολη ειναι Σουλιου 4 και τηλ, 25510-88275.
NAI, einai aksiopisto exw agorasei sto parelthon, alla otan vriskomoun monimos katoikos agglias, ta eksoda apostolis me Express den einai polla 7 euros, giauto lew opoios mporei me pistwtiki karta na kanei mia omadiki paragelia aksizei na kanoume to kinito mas olomavro. Opoios exei kai thelei na kanei kati tetio as to pei na tou valoume ta xrimata ston logariasmo tou, den einai kai "polla" 25 euros einai. Apla prepei na einai kapios empistos :X
To xrwmataki edw!!! Ean skeftaite kanei gia omadiki paragelia metriste kai emena!!! Oso gia na ton vroume na twn rwtisoume i photo einai apo aggelia sto ebay pou i siskevei exei poulithei:( opote diskola ta pragmata, kaneis allos pou einai asteri sto research mporei na vrei tipota???
http://i24.ebayimg.com/02/i/04/82/7f/9a_1_b.JPG Ektos apo to ekpliktiko xrwma, to MENU pws ginete kai einai katheta???? :alien: :alien: :alien:
Poia prepei na einai i diastasei tou jpeg sto operator logo gia na vgainei swsta???
To fe explorer den mou dinei kapia dinatotita na kanw hide, pio allo app na xrisimipoiisw??? Skeftika na to kanw me memory card reader apo windows ti lete???
meta tin egatastasi tou, i siskevei mou (6680 me 256 dv re mmc) sto menu ekthesi einai pio argo logo ton eikonwn kai ixwn pou exei to route 66, mipws ean svisw kapoia axrista arxeia tha trexei pio grigora??? ean nai pia exete svisei eseis???
Egw eimai mazi kai me tis dio aposeis, o katanalwtis pou to thelei edw kai twra, tha plirwsei adra tin teleutaia leksei tis texnologias! Omws kai autoi pou tha perimenoun tha antamiftoun gia tin ipomoni tous me ellinika, kai episimi egiisi tis SE Hellas. Alla as min ksexname oti se 6 mines to kinito tha einai prosito apolo ton kosmo se xamiles times kai tha to exoun sxedon oloi, mias kai tha ginei best seller san to K700. Opote kai oi 2 telika 3 apopseis exoun ta + kai ta - tous. Proswpika egw den antexw na perimenw alla i tsepi mou kai to eppagelma mou me exei kanei na eimai ipomonetikos kai na metro akoma kai to ena euro, mias kai i SE den mou exei xarisei tipota egw giati na tis xarisw? gia na to exw 10 meres prin apo tous allous? afou se 6 mines tha piksei i agora se K750... loipon ipomoni stous anipomonous, kai kaloriziko stous ipomonetikous:)
[Smartphones] Qtek Smartphones: Προγράμματα, Themes, .PiT, Plugins
Marketer replied to sugardad's topic in Windows Mobile
Emena den mou exei doulepsei kamia ekdosi mou vgazei minima error creating keyboard hook. the programm is closed. Dokimasa kai tin 1.41 kai tin 1.51 kai tin 1.52 kai kamia den mporei na mou doulepsei giati??? Meta apo restart katafera na doulepsw me tin 1.51 :rolleyes: AAAA, episeis vrika kai ena fovero cabaki, den kserw ean exei anafertei einai gia na anoigokleinoume eukola to BT, kai idika ean to valete se speed dial ena click einai arketo na to anoiksoume kai allo ena gia na to klisoume. Emena me volepse para poli! Auta einai ta kala me ta ms smartphones, mas leipei kati??? kapios tha vrethei kai tha to ftiaksei :w00t: Pou na varetheis ena kinito me toses dinatotites meta???