Μάλλον τελικά δεν αλλάζει βρήκα το παρακάτω άρθρο στο xda. Έμας από cosmote είναι EUX/EUX/EUX/COS σύμφωνα με το άρθρο αυτό το COS δεν αλλάζει, Το EUX περιλαμβάνει όλοι την Ευρώπη, άρα βάζοντας DBT είναι πάλι EUX ,η μόνη αλλαγή που μπορείς να κάνεις είναι να βάλεις τελείως διαφορετική region πχ για χώρες τις Ασίας.
Multi-CSC and why changing the CSC is mostly deprecated
A lot of questions are asked everyday about the CSC. There are different CSCs for different countries and carriers. Here in Austria we have ATO (Open Austria) for unbranded devices, MAX for T-Mobile devices (now called Magenta here) and so on. Nowadays, there are multi CSC firmware like OXM. They contain many CSC codes within it.
If you go into Settings > About phone > Software information > Service provider software revision you'll find different CSC codes: AAA/BBB/CCC/DDD
AAA is the current CSC
BBB is the best CSC for SIM card 1
CCC is the best CSC for SIM card 2 (if dual SIM is possible)
DDD is the factory CSC that cannot be changed
e.g. DBT/MAX/MOB/ATO meaning DBT (Open Germany) is the current CSC, MAX (Magenta Austria) is the CSC for SIM card 1, MOB (A1 Austria) for SIM card 2 and the device has a factory CSC for Open Austria.
With Android 12 changing the CSC is afaik impossible.
If the multi CSC contains both CSC codes (like if I want to switch from MAX to ATO), flashing the same multi CSC firmware in ODIN will do nothing as it is the same firmware.
Very important: the multi CSC firmware is the same for every CSC included. If I were to download ATO and MAX firmwares, I will get the same OXM file with the same SHA256 hash (checked it myself). Flashing it would either update your phone (Home_CSC) or wipe it (CSC) and not change the CSC as it will find your current CSC in the multi CSC and leave it as-is.
A device with XEF (France) will always be XEF even with a different SIM card. Despite showing "XEF" it will use the appropriate settings for the carrier as long as the multi-CSC (e. g. OXM) contains the necessary files.
Some builds are released only for a certain amount of CSC codes or with a different minor revision (see down below under "Firmware" for an explanation). For example: MAX has minor revision 5, but ATO has 7 now. I could flash ATO revision 7 on my MAX device, but wouldn't receive any OTA updates until I have a firmware that exists for MAX (so either I have to flash minor revision 5 or wait until the next update). Multiple CSCs can be asynchronous despite having the same base firmware. MAX could have more minor updates (e. g. the carrier wanted something fixed) while others are fine at revision 1. That's why some CSC codes have more updates listed and some receive the update earlier.
DBT for example could be the first to get the new March security patch and other CSCs will follow. Though other CSC codes might have a higher minor revision as there were changes being made afterwards. In some cases DBT will receive another update with these changes, in other cases DBT revision 3 is the latest while other CSC codes are at revision 9. The changelogs are almost always equal though so there is no information to the public on what has changed.
Think of it like an upgrade path. Major steps are always synced, but minor ones can be CSC specific until a new update syncs them again.
More information can be read here