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Everything posted by marcolnx

  1. Hi all, My wife speak a little greek and we love greece. Every year we visit greece. I already posted a firmware with full greek support in Motorolafans. But now i wish present linuxming, jffs2, so we can write in the whole, not only ezxlocal and ezx_user. Firmware default it's ro (read only), but we can always write, for example replacing fingerpad witout rw command. This is the link for the firmware: http://www.4shared.com/file/212982539/486a622f/linux_ming_jffs2_gr_ita.html Firmware it's AP and I tested in my a1200e and a1200i (c2 tracks). Now I'm working in Motofan ru. (here I posted a russian ukrainian version). here: http://forum.motofan.ru/index.php?showtopic=169100 Also posted a spanish portuguese english version in Motorolafans. Firmware keep a lot of preinstalled application and flip closed options. Also defaul alarm it's foxalarm. Some problem writing here, but I would like give better explain. By marco (from italy) p.s.: I also compiled kernel jffs2 for sdhc support :) Moderating team:Please ,try to write in Greek.I appreciate and respect your work but the only language allowed here is Greek.
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