Επιτελους ετοιμαζεται και το καινουριο Firmware ...ΥΠΟΜΟΝΗ!!!
The new Firmware will be called HX-V3
* fixed 24 fps (other patch not the knowing ones)
* changed audio-bitrate/codec same as the sample “Video006″ (seems better for 90 % of the people)
* Autofocus Video before it starts
* Many bugfixes
* New tweaks
* jpg-encoder from Vivaz
At least, just give me a little bit before it will be public !
The other thing is, i found the related file that causes the fast audio when you set the samplingrate bigger then ~16khz: baseimage.dof Samsung has integrated some filters that cannot be disabled !
Maybe some experts can explain more about that.
We also can´t replace that file with the one from SE. Vivaz, (phone reboots permanently)
Here the baseimage.dof !