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  1. gia na kaneis downgrade apo 1.51,1.52 se 1.50 me to downgrader prepei prwta na kaneis tin ekdosi tou PSP 2.00 To UMD Rip einai to programma pou pernas ta UMD stin Memory Stick, kai meta sto PC. Meta mporeis na baleis ta games sto PSP sou kai na ta trekseis me to DevHook osa paizoun, kai osa den paizoun ta bazeis me to UMD Loader alla xreiazese kai ena UMD gia na ta baleis.
  2. tpt Me to UMD Rip mporeis na peraseis ta UMD sto PC kai na ta exeis, anti na ta katevazeis. einai kalo gia osous den exoun DSL, alla prepei na exoun 2gb memory giati polla paixnidia einai panw apo 1gb. Ta poio polla bebaia exoun dummy files/pads kai poianoun persissotero apo to kanoniko tous megethos.
  3. Ta pio polla pou eggrapses einai ripped(xwris ixo,video klp) egw pantws etsi den mporw na paizw.. Ta kanonika megethi einai: Smart Bomb (59.23 Mb) Gripshift (827 Mb) Untold Legends (81.77 Mb) Virtua Tennis (336 Mb) Coded Arms (175 Mb) Dynasty Warriors (160 Mb) WipeOut Pure (252 Mb) FIFA Soccer (594 Mb) Lumines (209 Mb) World Tour Soccer (163.5 Mb) World Series Poker (164.6 MB) Death Jr. (424 Mb) Need For Speed Underground Rivals (884 Mb) Burnout Legends (500 Mb) NBA Street Showdown (384 Mb) Everybody´s Golf (246.5 Mb) Frantix (265.4) F1 Grand Prix (284.2 Mb) Twisted Metal Head On (838 Mb) Darkstalkers Chronicle The Chaos Tower (692 Mb) Colin McRae Rally 2005 Plus (600.3 Mb) DTM Race Driver 2 (616.5 Mb) Midnight Club 3 Dub Edition (1.65 Gb) Spiderman 2 (657 Mb) Tony Hawk Underground 2 Remix (761 Mb) Hot Shots Golf Open Tee (459 Mb) Medievil Resurrection (1.5 Gb)(Ripped 900 Mb-xwris ta videos) Mercury (289 Mb) Metal Gear Acid (209 Mb) Rengoku: The Tower of Purgatory (180 Mb) Rockman Dash: Hagane no Boukenshin (316 Mb) Sengoku Cannon: Sengoku Ace Episode III (170 Mb) Tiger Wood PGA Tour (1.8 Gb) TOCA Race Driver 2 (771 Mb) Vampire Chronicles (379 Mb) F1 Grand Prix (689 Mb) Bomberman Panic Bomber (61 Mb) Puzzle Bobble (17 Mb) Everybodys Golf (563 Mb) Frantix (401 Mb) Winning Eleven 9: Ubiquitous Evolution (950 Mb) World Snooker Challenge 2005 (719 Mb) Ape Academy (382 Mb)
  4. Exoun balei sto firmware 12 wallpapers se diafora xrwmata na allazoun kathe mina. Twra prepei na exeisto mwb, an allakseis tin imerominia(ton mina) px na baleis dekembri, tha exeis to kokkino wallpaper. Ta UMD games/movies mporeis na ta pernas sto pc me to UMD Rip, alla xreiazese kai memory stick megali, giati apo to UMD paei stin memory, kai meta apo tin memory sto pc. Oi diafores stis 1.50,1.52,2.00: 1.50 = paizeis homebrew efarmoges/games/emus 1.52 = peripou idia me tin 1.50 alla den mporeis na kaneis tpt ap'auta 2.00 = allazeis wallpapers/themes, pairnei poio polles morfes arxeiwn, exei enswmatomeno browser ps. kai stin 1.50 mporeis na baleis wallpapers me homebrew efarmogi gia na kaneis apo 1.51,1.52 se 1.50 me to downgrader prepei prwta na kaneis tin ekdosi 2.00 Ta regions (japan,usa,europe), i diafora tous einai mono stis tainies ta japan einai idia me ta europe, dld osoi exoun japan mporoun na doun eurwpaika umd tainies, enw sta usa den mporeis. Ta paixnidia einai apo 18mb ews kai panw apo 1gb pisteuw pws mia 512mb den tha sou ftasei, polla iso games pou exw einai panw apo 500mb. Einai paixnidia se morfi ISO. Oxi den thelei anabathmidi gia ta grafika, alla otan ftiaxnoun ena megalo game me kalutera grafika,ixo klp xreiazete megalutero megethos.
  5. Ta misa mou ISO paizoun me to devhook kanonika. Osa den paizoun ta bazeis me to UMD Loader me to UMD. Ta paixnidia me loaders mou douleuoun ola kanonika. Den eixe mesa, perimenw to Spiderman 2.
  6. To kako me ta ISO games einai oti ta misa theloun na exeis UMD gia na doulepsoun.
  7. memory stick pro duo gia na bazeis mesa megala paixnidia xreiazese 1gb (135eura tin pira egw) pare sandisk, einai grigoroteres apo tis sony
  8. O downgrader sou katebazei tin ekdosi apo 1.51,1.52,2.00 se 1.50 wste na mporeis na paikseis games mesa apo tin memory stick kai gia to homebrew stuff(efarmoges,emulators,games,klp)
  9. An thumamai kala, nomizw pws pigainoun edw ta saves: C:\Documents and Settings\[user]\Application Data(krufos_fakelos)\
  10. kai emena mou to evgale me to hookboot sto coded arms den katafera na to balw
  11. Pigaine deksi-klik stin sundesi sou>Idiotites, stin kartela Genika>Ruthmisi Parametrwn apo ekei energopoiousa/apenergopoiousa otan eixa 56k ton ixo
  12. Den uparxei ***** gia kanena Sims 2 pou na douleuei Mono ta images kanoun douleia me ta virtual drives se ola ta Sims 2, exw dokimasei kai to nightlife.
  13. Apo pou energopoieis tin epilogi Overburn. Emena gia Overburn me rwtaei mono otan grafw se 700aria kai balw pio polla apo 700mb gia eggrafi.
  14. Ti akrivws theleis? Ti ennoeis? Oti eikona theleis bazeis gia wallpaper. Ti ekdosi exeis?
  15. katevase to wab version changer 2.00 v2.5 kai tha mporeis na to paikseis
  16. Exw agorasei merika tetoia aggrafa kai mou ta emfanizei san 700aria. Ta exw dokimasei se polla antigrafika. Exei kataferei kaneis na grapsei panw apo 700mb?
  17. Egguisi den exei giati einai apo iwapwnia. den ginetai na to gurisoun iapwnia gia na sto ftiaksoun, einai paranomo. Paixnidia kalutera na ta katevaseis se torrents, prepei na exeis grigori sundesi. Mporeis na breis kai sto http://www.alucard.cc apps/games. An thes boitheia pws pernietai ena game/app steile PM gia pio theleis giati kathe game/app perniete diaforetika. Oi uperithres itan gia mellontiki xrisi otan upirxan ta 1.50, dld gia neoteres ekdoseis tou PSP(stin 2.00 douleuei), alla exoun ftiaksei programmata kai gia tin 1.50.
  18. Meta antigrafetai ena programmataki stin memory card, etsi otan bazeis to gnisio cd tou psx na min paizei kanonika alla na se pigainei se ena krufo menu, pou sou leei na baleis ena gnisio cd/dvd. Ftiaxneis kai mia tilekarta se auto to sxima: http://briefcase.pathfinder.gr/download/Crypton_R_2004/37568/452488/0/%C5%E9%EA%FC%ED%E1%28010%29.jpg, prepei na bgaleis kai to portaki tou drive tou playstation(auto pou exei to sima panw). Gia na paikseis ena antigrammeno dvd tou ps2 bazeis to gnisio cdpsx gia na se paei sto krufo menu. Meta to bgazeis kai bazeis ena gnisio ps2, patas x .Sto drive exei mia sxismi, ekei bazeis tin tilekarta kai travas mia mlk gia na sou bgazei eksw to drive. To travas gia na anoiksei, bgazeis to dvd, bazeis to antigrammeno to klineis pali me to xeri ki oxi apo to koumpi(alliws mporei na sou mamisei to ps2). Meta bazeis pali tin tilekarta mesa kai pas stin thesi tin mlk tou drive, patas x kai paizeis. Mporei na sou fenetai duskolo etsi opws ta grafw, alla auto to kaneis se 30'' otan to matheis.
  19. Katarxin auto to kaneis se tsiparismeno ps2 kai to pairneis gia to atsiparisto sou. Xreiazese ena psxCD,ps2DVD,cd(aggrafo),memorycard,tilekarta Bres ena megalo paixnidi tou psx(kai demo kanei) Bres to arxeio elf pou exei onoma Sles_513.34 i Scus_000.56 klp Anoikse to titleman i kai me hex editor nomizw ginetai, kai bale tin registry tou arxeiou elf. kai to onoma sto title.db Antikatestise to palio title.db me to patcharismeno pou eftiakses. Anoikse to cddvdgen kai bale ta arxeia m'auti tin seira: system.cnf files(directory) cdvd.irx expinst.elf title.db deksi-klik sto system.cnf kai sto lba bale 12231 patise sto image gia na sou ftiaksei tin eikona twra einai etoimo gia egkatastasi bale tin memory card sou sto chiparismeno ps2 kai bale to cd pou eggrapses etsi tha sou egkatastisei to exploit stin memory card, perimeneis ligo kai an sou grapsei exploit is successfully installed simainei oti petuxe. Otan ftiakseis auto tha sou grapsw kai pws tha bazeis na paizeis. ps. ta programmata tha ta breis sto http://www.alucard.cc (kane register)
  20. Ps2 Exploit simple tutorial Ok here is a little tutorial: Find a psx game with a high TOC how? Just insert a psx original game in your pc drive cd/dvd rom and check the size by letting the mouse pointer(cursor) on the drive without doing anything. The toc is the size of the cd not the size of the files :) dont getting confused. When you have found your high TOC psx game check the name of the elf file for example: Sles_513.34 or Scus_000.56 etc Now open the titleman and add the registry of the elf file in this case you enter the name of the elf file after you add the name in the title.db replace the old title.db with the patched one you made with the titleman(get the latest titleman with the gui not in dos). Now open cddvdgen and drag and drop the files at this order: system.cnf files(directory) cdvd.irx expinst.elf title.db now right click on system.cnf and edit the lba to 12231 now click on image and you ll have an imagen.bin Open nero close the wizzard go to recorder/burn image select the imagen.cue and burn at 4x Now its ready for installation Just go to a friend of yours with your memory car or if you have a swap method you can do it without a mod insert the cd and in a few seconds it will say that ps2 exploit is successfully installed :) Now power off your ps2 turn it on againand insert your psx game with the high TOC it will get you to a secret menu and it ll say psx disk now is your time to do a cogswap with the slide tool and replace it with your backup Enjoy!!! If you want to boot a dvd backup when it will say psx disk press the eject button insert a high TOC ps2 dvd like the swp magic dvd or ffx or gta vice city etc press the eject again to take it inside then press the x button and when it says ps2 dvd rom do the cog swap trick with the slide tool card or the flip top :) Enjoy!!! Ta exeis kanei auta?
  21. To AnyDVD katevase to apo tin selida tou, kai gia to "kleidi" sou esteila PM.
  22. Exw balei to swapmagic egw, den kserw ti ekdosi einai alla einai mono gia to PS2(black,oxislim), kai douleuei kanonika.
  23. Giati na ksanakanw format? Tou exw valei ta WinXP-SP2. Pws ginetai na min ginei swsta i egkatastasi, afou ta exw balei 500.000 fores se 500 pc xwris kanena provlima. Den eggrapsa oti ksekinaei to pc mono tou.
  24. Prosfata eftiaksa ena PC(format giati eixe 500 ious mesa), kai twra kathe fora pou anoigei kolane ola, den kounaei tpt, mono me to restart ftiaxnei. Meta apo to restart douleue kanonika gia kamia vdomada. Twra kanei kai epanekiniseis apo mono tou. Ti skata ftaiei pali?
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