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Everything posted by deneb79
[Smartphones] Qtek Smartphones: Προγράμματα, Themes, .PiT, Plugins
deneb79 replied to sugardad's topic in Windows Mobile
- ntinos: Se ti smartie ekanes thn egkatastash? (Prosexoume gia na exoume). - ogc: Se QTek 8010 einai dokimasmeno to Spreadsheet 1.1 h kapoio paliotero? - satriani: Thanks!!! Keep up the good work... :) -
Hello, kanw mia paremvash giati eimai o filos tou hsigma me to 8010. :) Idia ekdosh Betaplayer exoume, giati poly apla egw tou thn edwsa!!! :rolleyes: Opote kati allo paizei... :( h mallon den paizei :cry:
Xthes evala to Mobiluck 1.5 kai tha dokimasw apostolh / lhpse me SE. Pantws me to Mobiluck 1.0 lamvana kanonikotata (8010). Oson afora thn apostolh, tha se gelasw giat den thymamai na to eixa dokimasei... Erwthsh dikia mou twra: - Vazw kai vgazw diafora themes sto 8010 mou alla parathrw oti kapoia backgrounds paramenoun an allaksw theme. Den milaw vevaia gia to "desktop" background alla gia afta pou mpainoun stis klhseis, sta mhnymata lathous klp. Malista, teleftaia katafera na mhn emfanizetai tipota (!) se aftes tis periptwseis... Yparxei kapoio arxeio .xml h kapoia kleidia sthn registry pou katagrafoun poies photo emfanizontai pote? Dokimasa me to home1.hif pou yparxei sto Storage/Application Data/Home alla: 1. Den exei kapoio format, kai 2. Den katagrafei aftes tis periptwseis pou anaferw parapanw... Help me, giati h lysh tou hard reset den einai kai h pio kalh... :blink:
[Smartphones] Qtek Smartphones: Προγράμματα, Themes, .PiT, Plugins
deneb79 replied to sugardad's topic in Windows Mobile
Apla den eixa xrono na to psaksw to site, k nomisa oti den yparxei trial ekdosh gia download... Afto mporeis na to katalaveis kai apo to prohgoumeno post mou. Les na eimai xthesinos kai na mhn kserw afta ta kolpa? Sorry kai gia to post! -
[Smartphones] Qtek Smartphones: Προγράμματα, Themes, .PiT, Plugins
deneb79 replied to sugardad's topic in Windows Mobile
Thanks harryal gia thn antapokrish! :) Wraios aftos o player alla apo oti katalava paizei mono ean ton agorasw... Swsta? :blink: kamiaia pio... fthnh lysh yparxei, h den ginetai na akousw .amr??? :o -
[Smartphones] Qtek Smartphones: Προγράμματα, Themes, .PiT, Plugins
deneb79 replied to sugardad's topic in Windows Mobile
Kai mia bonus erwthsh giati eiste kala paidia: :o Pws mporw na akousw .amr??? :worry: -
Koita, egw den exw kartokinhto, eimai me syndesh kai sthn porhgoumenh syskevh (Nokia 6510) doulevan ola mia xara. Anyway, shmera einai h mera tou GPRS, dhladh tha katsw na ksanadokimasw ta panta apo thn arxh kai vlepoume.... Ektos an kapoios dwsei kapoia wraia kai xrhsimh idea... Pls heeeeeeeeeeeelp me :cry:
[Smartphones] Qtek Smartphones: Προγράμματα, Themes, .PiT, Plugins
deneb79 replied to sugardad's topic in Windows Mobile
File, Antwnh, kai pali xilia efxaristw... :) -
[Smartphones] Qtek Smartphones: Προγράμματα, Themes, .PiT, Plugins
deneb79 replied to sugardad's topic in Windows Mobile
Hello forum! Loipon, katevasa, egkatesthsa, apegkatesthsa, dokimasa klp... tis perissoteres efarmoges apo aftes pou anaferontai sto Forum. Exw merika provlhmatakia: 1. Kserei kaneis pou tha vroume ***** gia to Jeyo SMS Outlook Extension kai to Smart Explorer EN 2.0.2 (an kai shareware, mou th "spaei" to Register). 2. An ginetai, as anevasei kapoios to PocketStreets 2005 epitelous na to katevasoume h as mou milhsei se PM na kanonisoume kati. 3.To Smartphone Alarm arneitai na me ksypnhsei ta prwina... einai panta athoryvo!!!! Kamia idea h mhpws kapoio allo programma? Thanks :) -
Kalhmera apo enan eftyxh :D katoxo enos Qtek 8010. To forum exei vohthisei para poly sto sthsimo kai sthn epilysh twn provlhmatwn, alla exw akoma kapoia provlhmatakia. :confused: Toutestin, Den mporw akoma na setarw GPRS gia Cosmote. Dokimasa me ta standar ths Ace Hellas, tipota... :confused: Dokimasa me tis rythmiseis apo to site ths Qtek, tipota... :mad: Thlefwnhsa sto 1212 kai me afta pou mou esteilan sto mail, mantepste ti egine.. tipota... :wacko: Xm, ti kanw lathos? Kamia idea? An exei kapoios thn kalosynh as steilei mou se PM oles tis rythmises gia Cosmote... :o Thanks, prokatavolika :)
Otan les anavathmish, anaferesai sthn xrhsimopoihsh ths epidothshs apo thn Cosmote? Egw, apo oso to epsaksa, thn epidothsh mporeis na thn xrhsimopoihseis mono apo thn alysidia katasthmatwn opou ekanes to symvolaio ths syndeshs. Egw, gia paradeigma, pou ekana to symvolaio ths Cosmote mporw mono sta katasthmata ths na xrhsimopoihsw thn epidothsh... Mhpws telika afto den isxyei??? :confused: :blink: :wacko: Thelw to 8020! TWRA!
Xthes to apogevma rwthsa sto Plaisio ths Glyfadas kai exw ths ekshsh plhrofories: 1. H epidothsh ths Cosmote mporei na xhrismopoieithei sta katasthmata tou Plaisiou 2. Akoma den exoun plhroforhsh gia to 8020 (pote erxetai klp.). Zhthsa na dw kai ena 8010 alla den eixe dummy, viazomoun poly kai etsi den to kynhghsa gia na to dw kai apo konta... Anamenontas loipon to 8020... :worry: :whistle:
Ena filaraki mou pou xrhsimopoiei afto me ta 30€, pianei 33Kbps apo to PC sto kinhto (Nokia 6230). To koulo einai oti otan stelnei apo to kinhto tou sto PC pianei pio polla, 50Kbps... :blink: Alhtheia, afto einai synhthismeno, kserei kaneis giati ginetai??? :confused:
Egw, otan me to kalo to paro to kinhto, tha xrhsimopoihsw Bluetooth gia thn epikoinwnia PC-S700i... Syndeetai se USB kai kaneis thn douleia sou wraia kai asyrmata ;) Malista rwthsa kai to pio fthno pou exw vre einai me 30€ sthn Cosmodata ths Glyfadas. Ekei epishs exei ena allo me 35€ enw sto Multirama me 37€. Sto Plaisio yparxei ena me CDaki diko tou alla to exoun "xtyphsei" ligo: 59€. Afta! Pistevw pws afth einai h kalyterh lysh...
Kat'arxhn kalws sas vrhka! Diavazw kairo to forum alla afto einai to prwto mou post.. :D Pithanotata se liges meres tha eimai kai egw enas akoma katoxos tou SE S700i kai thelw na kanw mia erwthsoula: -Yparxei periorismos sthn xwrhtikothta tou Memory Stick pou dexetai h mporw n'agorasw mexri... oso paei (p.x. 512Mb)? :confused: :worry:
Kala, yparxei kai h hliakh, alla ypothetw oti ta synnefa htan toso pshla pou den tha ta eftanan pote oi mhxanes... :whistle: :D Kat' arxhn den milhsa gia filosofikes arloumpes. Wraio pragma h filosofia alla na eimaste kai ligo orthlogistes den vlaptei. Olh h trilogia dhladh einai mia ekfrash filosofiwn gyrw apo thn agaph, to karma klp.? Mono an dektw kati tetoio ekshgountai ta panta me afta pou grafeis... Afto omws einai isodynamo me to na leme oti olh h tainia einai ena oneiro p.x. tou Arxitektona, pragma pou dikaiologei ta panta. Omws, yfistantai 2-3 pragmata: h "katestrammenh" kai skoteinh gh, o polemos pou prokalese ol' afta, h yperoxh twn mhxanwn kai h sklavia twn anthrwpwn. Opote otan o Neo vrisketai ston pragmatiko kosmo prepei na ypakouei kapoious nomous ths fysikhs, pera apo "anwmalies" klp. Afto pou les parakatw: ...einai pragmatika mia poly endiaferousa apopsh. Opws isws na exeis katalavei, to provlhma mou den einai an yparxei ekshghsh gia thn tainia, apla oti h synexeia kai to telos tou prwtou matrix htan poly katw apo ta anamenomena. Kai afto den to lew giati den kathomai na skeftw afta pou vlepw, akrivws gia ton antitheto logo. Kai gi' afto parethesa kai thn defterh lysh, giati, kata thn tapeinh mou gnwmh, exei poly ligotera kena. Eksallou einai poly dyskolo me ena tetoio thema na mhn sou ksefygoun kapoia pragmata. Kena tha htan adynato na mhn yparxoun... Alliws den tha syzhtagame twra :p :)
To Revolutions to exw dei edw kai 1 evdomada peripou kai tha hthela na grapsw kai egw th gnwmh mou gia thn tainia alla kai gia thn trilogia oloklhrh. Kat' arxhn merikes parathrhseis: 1. To prwto matrix akseperasto apo polles apopseis, special fx, ypothesh klp. pou oloi kseroume. 2. Reloaded + Revolutions = 1 tainia k anti gia 267 lepta tha eprepe poly ligotera me perissoterh ousia alla kai liges alla kales entypwsiakes maxes. 3. Enw oi Wachowski eixan thn sigourh epityxia tou prwtou matrix, kai thn efkairia na synexisoun thn trilogia, mas edwsan dyo apogohteftikes synexeies. Sigoura oxi apo plevras effe k maxwn, alla h ypothesh htan mia syntagh pou eixe: Pollh texnologia + arketa stoixeia apo diafores thriskeies, mythologies klp. + eknevristika poly love story + den kserw k egw ti allo. :alien: 4. Mou aresei na psaxnw (kai malista poly) tis tainies pou vlepw, alla nomizw oti to edw to parakanoume. Kai ekshgoumai: Otan h tainia apaitei apo mena na psaksw toso poly, tha prepei na mhn afhnei vasika pragmata anapanthta kai sthn tyxh, opws: A. O Smith DEN mporei na metaferthei ston pragmatiko kosmo... Otan kapoios syndethei sto matrix, to mono pou ginetai einai oti o egkefalos tou dexetai kapoia erethismata kai o anthrwpos antidra se afta. Den nomizw oti mporei na ginei upload kwdika (0110111011110...) ston egkefalo kanenos mas... Kai akrivws to idio pragma den mou arese kai ston 13o orofo. B. Oi mhxanes den eixan kanena logo na xrhsimopoihsoun tous anthrwpous san mpataries. Apo th stigmh pou eixan klhronomhsei thn texnologia twn anthrwpwn, akoma kai an thewrhsoume (vlakwdws vevaia) oti den thn aneptyksan, yphrxan alles morfes energeias, opws Pyrhnikh pou tha htan poly poly kalyteres (kai den tha xreiazotan kai to matrix...). C. San synexeia tou parapanw, kai apo thn stigmh pou oi mhxanes eixan toso aneptygmenh A.I., h maxh sthn Zion tha eixe teleiwsei entos leptwn. Kat' arxhn oi sentinels kinountan xwris kapoia emfanh polemikh strathgikh, "mpoulouki" pou leme kai oti vriskan to varagan. Ektos sygkekrimenwn periptwsewn pou estiazan sthn Zi h ston strathgo... pws-ton-legan gia na vgaloume kai enan hrwismo vre paidaki mou... Thelete enallaktikh lysh? Stelnw ta trypania xwris sentinels kai ta eksoplizw kai me E.M.P. Molis anoiksw arketes trypes anoigw ton Palmo kai etsi oi anthrwpoi einai anyperaspistoi (kala kai ta trypania alla den me noiazei). Stelnw olous tous sentinels kai oti allo mporw katw kai papala h Zion. Mhn mou peite oti htan toso dyskolo gia thn A.I. twn mhxanwn na to skeftei... D. O Neo einai yperhrwas ektos matrix? Excuse me... Afou stamatei sentinels, giati den petaei? Kai meta thn tyflwsh, synexizei na vlepei san allos messias... Mia ekshghsh vre paidia... :wacko: Proswpika, to Reloaded mou afhse mia elpida oti mporei na mperdefthkan etsi ta pragmata gia na einai to telos akoma pio prwtotypo, alla telika to Revolutions htan mia metriothta... Akrivws giati mperdefthkan toso ta pragmata pou akoma kai oi idioi oi Whacowski den ta ksemperdevoun... An exete kai oreksh gia ligo... psaksimo kai diavasma, rikste mia matia edw, pragmatika aksizei ton kopo: http://uk.geocities.com/gus_scottexley/matrix_revolutions_spoiler.html Mia teleiws diaforetikh prooptikh, grammenh prin apo to Revolutions. Ena toso anatreptiko telos gia mena tha htan poly kalytero apo afto to thriskeftiko-erwtiko-epiko synothilevma.