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Everything posted by sakiss

  1. sakiss


    Amplive remix in rainbows album http://www.prefixmag.com/news/radiohead-amplive-remix-in-rainbows-download-ava/17248/
  2. O pio eukolos tropos gia na xasei kapoios lipos stin perioxi tis koilias,xwris mihkous traumatismous eine i kolimbisi me stathero rithmo gia peripou 30-40 lepta apo 3is ews 4is fores tin ebdomada.
  3. Den eipa oti to gone baby gone eine kalitero tou Jesse aplws oti i ermhneia tou cacey sto Jesse eine ekpliktiki...
  4. 2 patates pou eida prosfata:Golden Compass & Alien vs Pretador 2. 2 mikra diamantia pou eida:A.of Jesse James (resital ermhneias apo ton cacey affleck,anwteri kai apo to gone baby gone) & Into the wild.
  5. E nai afou eksarxis oloi nomizame oti o Locke ezise xari stis ''iamatikes idiotites'' tou nhsiou ti tin ithelan tin eksigisi oti kai kala swthike epeidi den ipirxe sto shmeio pou perase i sfaira kapoio zwtiko organo.Episis ti ksilofotrwma exei faei o Ben...arxizw kai ton lipame :p Peri white smoke brika ta parakatw.. http://gallery.lost-media.com/displayimage-1262-173.html http://www.lost-theories.com/theories/2007/jul/25/black-smoke-and-white-smoke/
  6. Ψαχνω ενα προ πενταετιας ελληνικο ροκακι....το τραγουδανε ντουετο και η φωνη του ενος θυμιζει φαμελο...οι στιχοι που συγκρατησα-->χειμωνα με αστερια και καλοκαιρια η ανοιξη ειναι τοσο ωραια...καθε εποχη...και οταν ερθει ξανα το φθινοπωρο...κοιμαμαι στην αμμουδια....
  7. http://www.progetto955.it/wp-content/uploads/2008/01/junior_cabriolet.jpg http://www.progetto955.it/wp-content/uploads/2008/02/photospy_21.thumbnail.JPG http://www.progetto955.it/wp-content/uploads/2008/02/photospy1.thumbnail.jpG
  8. Lancia Delta http://www.fiatgroupautomobilespress.com/download/GRUPPO01~08_MODELLI_ATTUALI_L/080205_L_Delta_01_800.jpg http://www.lanciapress.com/index.php?method=gallery&action=zoom&id=20080205092306be7c0e6b12b2c76475e8b277c7ebd400 Kινητήρες Λανσαρίσματος.... Βενζίνη 1.4ΤJET 120 HP 1.4ΤJET 150 HP 1.8TJET 200 HP Πετρελαιο 1.6JTDm 120HP 1.9JTDm 150HP 1.9JTTDm 190HP
  9. "...But the prize for swivel-eyed lunacy goes to Alfa Romeo, which has just started to build its new £100,000 8C. What this is, most of all, is a public-relations exercise. Only 500 will be made, and the idea is that we all gasp with admiration at Alfa’s genius. You’d imagine, then, that it would be keen for the likes of me to have a go, so that I can tell the world just what a marvellous car it’s created. Sadly not. It says all 500 have been sold already, mostly I suspect to people who’ll simply lock them away in air-conditioned bunkers and never drive them. Shame, because this is the car I was most looking forward to driving in 2008. First, it’s an Alfa Romeo, which, if you’re a disciple of all things motoring, is like the love child of every god there ever was. Lamborghinis are all right if you want to show off. Alfas are for people who don’t. Second, this is one of the most beautiful cars I’ve ever seen. Ferrari, of late, has forgotten the importance of style. Its cars are no longer pretty. This is. So pretty in fact that in metallic cherry red, on 20in wheels, it makes my hair start to itch and my knees stop working properly. And then, to justify the price tag, there is the technology. It has the same 450bhp 4.7 litre V8 that you’ll get in Maserati’s new coupé, and the body is made from carbon fibre and draped over a steel spine. The result is strength, lightness and speed. Sure, Nissan’s GT-R will be faster, but that’s like being married to Keira Knightley and then being jealous of someone who’s married to a horse with a first from Oxford. Inside, you have carbon fibre seats clad in Ferrari leather, simple old-fashioned dials and a sense that all is well in your little world. This could be one of the great cars. Designed by enthusiasts and styled by gods. It’s only a shame I’ll probably never find out because it’s being marketed by absolute morons...." Jeremy Clarkson http://static.autojunk.nl/pictures/20080202201610/image_01.jpg http://static.autojunk.nl/pictures/20080202201610/image_03.jpg http://static.autojunk.nl/pictures/20080202201610/image_05.jpg http://static.autojunk.nl/pictures/20080202201610/image_06.jpg http://static.autojunk.nl/pictures/20080202201610/image_02.jpg http://static.autojunk.nl/pictures/20080202201610/image_08.jpg http://log.autogespot.com/01-2008/appel/1.jpg http://log.autogespot.com/01-2008/appel/2.jpg http://log.autogespot.com/01-2008/appel/11.jpg
  10. 2 erwtisoules apo to prwteleutaio epeisodio tou 3ou kiklou giati ksanaeida prosfata ta 2 teleutaia k den thimame ti paizei.Thelw na ta ksetharisw prin dw to 4x01 :)
  11. Psaxnw mia slow version tou my sharona pou to tragoudaei ginaika...?
  12. Kasey Chambers - The Captain http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=x5s8_uHPnZ4&feature=related
  13. Ipotitlous gia season 3 (episode 11-22) pou mporw na brw?
  14. Brera my08 http://img156.imageshack.us/img156/5167/sedili2ij8.jpg http://img186.imageshack.us/img186/5561/sediliqs8.jpg
  15. Molis eida to John Rambo...senario 0,skinothesia -1000,ipokritiki -apeiro....kata ta loipa to kateuxaristithika...me dikaiwse apolita..itan to Rambo pou oloi agapisame...me tis akires atakes tou Stallone,to afthono splater kai tis sfaires na reoun astamatita :lol::lol:
  16. Jim sturgess-Across the Universe http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IugXPMuxxqU
  17. To cine gr του εβαλε 7.5/10 :shock: και μερικα απο τα πρωτα comments στο imdb κανουν λόγω οτι ειναι καλύτερο και απο το first blood....η ταινία ξεχωρίζει απο αλλες του ειδους με τις ρεαλιστικές σκηνες βιας & το αφθονο splater...νομιζω οτι αυτη την φορα δεν θα κανουμε πλακιτσα με τον stallone... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M4sagNn4BNU
  18. Placebo - Slackerbitch Sia - Lullaby & Lentil...apo to kainourio album.
  19. Charlie Wilson's War:7/10 epeidi den eixe entaseis k anatropes...psagmeno senario (gia ligous ??) me kales ermineies (o hoffman se kathilwnei) The Nines:8/10...prwtotipo senario pou se exei sinexeia stin tsita wste na anarwtiese ti diadramatizetai. Atonement:6.5/10..simpathitikes ermineies me pio ksexwristi autin tou prwtagwnisti alla den eixe to dinato love story gia na se kratisei...kalo alla adiaforo. National Treasure 2:6/10...den ksanablepw tainia tis Disney sto cinema...eidika to pws elinan tous grifous htan asteio.Den eine amerikania aplws oi tainies tis Disney eine austirws akatalliles gia hlhkies anw twn 18. I am a Legent:7.5/10...krima pou exei toso apotomo teleiwma...krima giati to prwto miso tis tainias eine ekpliktiko. The Brave one:5/10...ksanazestameno fagito. The Bucket list:6.5/10..pernaei thetika minimata alla sto xalaro para to simantiko thema pou diapragmateuete.Simpathitikes ermineies alla mexri ekei... The Kingdom:7/10 mono gia tin skinothesia.Kata ta loipa eine xaraktiristiko paradeigma tainias oti to Hollywood exei sterepsei apo idees. The mist:7/10...atmosfairiki tainia pou prospathei na tromaksei ton theati psixologika xwris na ta katafernei apolita.Katwtero tou Silent Hill alla tha tin xaraktiriza ws ''timia tainia'' :p Persepolis:8,5/10..diabaste sto imdb peri tinos prokeitai :p 3:10 To Yuma:7,5/10....kourastiko se merika shmeia...tha mporouse na itan kalitero.Super ermineies kai skinothesia. No country for old men:9/10 giati etsi m'aresei!...oi dialogoi me ton ''kako'' tis tainias Javier Bardem eine sketi apolausi.Τo Oscar b andrikou rolou tou anikei dikaiwmatika.
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